[Archers] Youth Target Archery Marshal Program

Eldred AElfwald dragonazure at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 17:48:10 PDT 2011

Greetings fellow archers and marshals!
Considering Their Majesties' desire to align the laws and policies of Atlantia, I would recommend setting the YTAM age at 16 years old.  This is the age they are permitted to authorize for heavy combat and the age at which the Chancellor of Youth Activities has set for their Officers:   All Chancellors Minor must be at least 16 years of age and a paid member of the SCA. 
Also, does this program fall under the same rules and regulations as the Youth Activities programs? E.g. background checks?
I'm a little disturbed that the deed has been done without a discussion of the potential rules changes first.  If we collectively agree to a policy that is contrary to what has been done, I have no problem "grandfathering" the existing marshals into the program because it would be unfair to force them out "ex post facto".
In service,
Eldred AElfwald

--- On Wed, 6/1/11, loreleielkins at aol.com <loreleielkins at aol.com> wrote:

From: loreleielkins at aol.com <loreleielkins at aol.com>
Subject: [Archers] Youth Target Archery Marshal Program
To: archers at atlantia.sca.org, tazzi_693 at yahoo.com, Geldamar at aol.com
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 9:57 AM

Greetings good archers.  Several people have given input on a Youth Target Archery Marshal program which I am happy to say has finally been given the thumbs up from the Atlantian Earl Marshal, the Society Target Archery Marshal and the Society Earl Marshal (still awaiting an answer, but anticipate no problem.) 

Here are the details: 

Be 15 years or older
Take the MiT class
Complete all MiT requirements
Have a sponsor/mentor who is not his/her parent, who is an experienced warranted target archery marshal (approved by the DEM)
MiTs at least twice a year to keep his/her skills sharp
Is never on range alone - (can run the line but not the range)
Defers decisions about inspections, etc, to adult marshals
Is under the supervision of warranted marshal while on the range.
When they turn 18, they are a fully warranted Atlantian target archery marshal 
The DEM reserves the right to suspend Youth Marshal privileged for an individual if need be.
The Youth Marshal's mentor shall give regular updates on their progress to DEM.

1.) I am very happy to announce that our first Youth Target Archery Marshal in Atlantia is Edric Alricsson (MKA Robert Singleton) of the Barony of Nottinghill Coill. Both his parents Alric Blackhart and Magdalen Woderose are warranted target archery marshals, and his mentor is Sven Olafssen of the Shire of Border Vale Keep. (He's our test case.  *grin*)

2.) Now is the time for comments and concerns.  Post them here so we can hash it out before this is put into the Acorn and the Rules re-write.

3.) Please contact me if you have someone in your area who wants to be a Youth TA Marshal.

TH Lady Lorelei Greenleafe
DEM Target Archery, Atlantia

Thank you Katarzyna Witkowska for your help putting together the youth program, and to Christophe of Grey and Janyn Fletcher who gave input.
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