[Archers] Youth Target Archery Marshal Program

Holly Gibbons holly0920 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 11:33:40 PDT 2011

Ok, so here's my humble opinion.
Have we checked with the Thrown Weapons Marshallate? They have had just such a 
program in place for years. I believe they do this at age 17. I love the concept 
of letting the capable and mature 16 and 17 year olds get ready to hit the 
ground running. I actually do not think that 15 year olds have the judgement 
thing down yet, but it truely depends so much on the kid.
I think archery marshals in general need more training, lots more, no matter 
their age. No way are three MIT sessions enough whether you are 16 or 56. I felt 
woefully underprepared with that so I did tons of MITing before submitting 
paperwork. It's one thing to co-man a line, another to inspect bows, and another 
entirely to design and run a shoot. I try not to run lines if I can help it 
because I haven't got the voice and I am distractable. I'm a lot better at 
inspections and my fav thing to do is make targets. So we have to know ourselves 
and our weak suits, also, and that takes time and experience.
I think MITs should have more training in running shoots - - they should have to 
be an assistant to someone experienced in putting on a shoot, setting up the 
course properly, making the targets, etc, before they can do one themselves. I 
have seen too many safety issues crop up with new Marshals putting on their 
first shoots! I had lots of help, I remember that. As far as inspections, every 
MIT should have to spend a day at Pennsic or another huge archery event and 
inspect every crowwbow under a watchful eye, if they themselves shoot a handbow, 
and vice versa. Sheer numbers is what you need.
One other thing that has been really helpful to me is to have another set of 
eyes and ears. Whenever I put on an event I want another experienced marshal 
tagging me. I can take the ultimate responsibility but it is incredibly valuable 
to have a backup to talk things over with.
It's a little like graduated drivers' licences. So definitely bring on the 
mature youth, but re-amp the overall requirements! Thanks for a cool discussion, 
everybody.    ... Nuala
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