[Archers] Archers Digest, Vol 99, Issue 37

fenrisulven at comcast.net fenrisulven at comcast.net
Thu Dec 15 10:44:41 PST 2011

True. But as Countess Rowan pointed out, that arrangement can be problematic. Imagine if, in addition to your role as Seneschal, you also had to fullfill the duties of your current Baron and Baroness. Now scope that down to a smaller group thats just getting its legs, perhaps with newer people that are rookies as regards leadership roles . Thats alot of weight for a Shire Seneschal to carry. I think the An Tir example used a Peer as the Shire's rep to the Crown, just to have someone who was SCA-savy to work  with the Crown.  Regardless, I forget how I got onto this topic on an archery list... 

Oh yeah - we need to recruit more archers because our rapiers are getting cocky. If you have any extra archers, please send them our way! :) 



----- Original Message -----

From: "lady esperanza" <lady_esperanza at cox.net> 
To: fenrisulven at comcast.net, "Denise McMahon" <gerkeeper at gmail.com> 
Cc: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 1:07:10 PM 
Subject: Re: [Archers] Archers Digest, Vol 99, Issue 37 

I was told at one some what recent Curia that each Shire's Seneschal is a Shire's representation to the Crown. Being from a Barony I was thinking that they didn't have representation as there was no Baron or Baroness but I was corrected. 

Lady Esperanza 
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