[Archers] Prizes

loreleielkins at aol.com loreleielkins at aol.com
Thu Sep 30 04:36:58 PDT 2010

Lord Eirik Gralokkr of the Canton of Charlesbury Crossing in the Barony of Sacred Stone has donated a dozen BEAUTIFUL hand-made traditional arrows to be given as a prize at War of the Wings.

To encourage our newer archers, the winner of the prize (and let me tell you these arrows are beautiful), will be the archer who has the highest Royal Round score at WoW who typically shoots in the "Archer" category.  That means a Royal Round score of more than 20 but less than 40.

The Honorable Lord Christophe of Grey from the Canton of Crois Brigte in Sacred Stone has made a hand tooled leather quiver for the winner of the Friday night torchlight shoot. (Those of you who know his leather working skill will drool yet again.)  This shoot is a fund raiser for the Susan G. Komen fund.  We ask all archers to donate what they are able.  PLEASE bring your bow to the range for inspection BEFORE it gets dark. Heh. Thanks.

See you on the Range!
TH Lady Lorelei Greenleafe
MiC Archery, WoW
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