[Archers] Pennsic

earlmika at aol.com earlmika at aol.com
Wed Oct 27 10:41:02 PDT 2010

I think the only place this would work is in the field with the trailers you will never (I know never say never) get the use of the war point field for the day. Having listened to what both sides go through in "war negotiation" ?and done it for Estrella War getting changes done is slow when you are involved being a third party with no say to begin with is next to impossible.
? They just got where you can shoot all 4 war point days and have it count (I know they have the same targets but it is at least a step in the right direction.)
?I would keep the Crowns out of this and talk directly with the Kingdom Archery Marshals (KAM) from East and Middle. You are not trying to make this any type of war Point you are making a Novelty Shoot. The Crowns are much more interested in the fighting and most of them count on their KAM to direct them in all things archery. The Novelty shoot should be sponsored by ATLANTIA not Atlantia archers or Atlantian Crown. You should have one contact person or at most one for the Middle and one for the East. I would recommend the KAM of Atlantia or one of the people that have held this position and are in good terms with the East and/or Middle or someone who knows them well and has their respect..I know I no longer live in Atlantia but would be more than willing to talk to the East about this if that is your desire as I have lived in the East and shared camp with the past KAM of the East for several years.
Wed. would most likely work best but I would allow them to tell you what day would be good. I would plan it for the day after the Champions shoot ie if Champions shoot Monday then Wed. this allows for unobstructed set up for your shoot.
You will need to have Marshals to cover your shoot and not interfere with the running of the War point. 
Car/ truck access to archery (they normally limit this so coordination of vehicles will be a must.
You will need your own Target Butts. (they will be using theirs you might be able to get a couple from them not in use but do not count on it. The more this runs totally independently from them the better chance it will be allowed.
If this is the best of the known world shoot it should be Kingdom Champion caliber shoot. All should be able to play but targets should be champion quality and scoring.
Each shoot especially if being made up from many different people would need to have a base value. What I mean is each shoot can have a maximum number of point scored (48 pts works well) Speed shoots based on 8 arrows (if shoot more then you have earned the right to score more) 
If this is kingdom against kingdom this is much harder to score do you take the top 10 from each kingdom (some kingdoms will not have10.) Do you take the average of the shooters for the kingdom (this would work for me I would most likely be the only archer for the Outlands so our average would be my score. What I would do is returning banners for? overall Kingdom points, Overall Kingdom average (minimum of 10 archers to qualify) and overall single champion. ?
The detail can worked out later to get this scheduled for Pennsic you should need to only to have OK from the powers that be to run a Novelty Shoot that will run in the back field on Date to be coordinated with Pennsic archery staff most likely Wed of War week and will run from X:XX AM until X:XX PM Atlantia to furnish all target material to include butts and marshalls necessary for shoot.
Just my 2 cents,
Earl Mika Longbow

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