[Archers] DEM-Target Archery Transition - and stuff

loreleielkins at aol.com loreleielkins at aol.com
Fri May 28 06:39:30 PDT 2010

My thanks to everyone for your support of, and confidence in me. If you know of a target archery marshal who is not on this list, please encourage them to subscribe.  I'd like to use this as the primary means of communication and idea/needs sharing among our marshaling community.

I'm working to have the issues of suspended warrants, etc. resolved and expect that to be done quickly, but beg continued patience as it is all sorted out.

Several of you have expressed an interest in being the Emergency Deputy Earl Marshal and I thank you each for your offer of help.  I ask that anyone interested in the position send me (off list at LoreleiElkins at aol.com) an email stating your qualifications, why you'd be a good fit for the job and a couple of contacts through which I can verify your awesomeness.  Typically, the Emergency DEM steps up into the DEM position after two years. I expect that will not change.  If you would like to know what the DEM responsibilities are, I'd be happy to send that information to you so you can better understand what is expected of the position.

Again, thank you and please contact me if you have any needs.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kynnyth Pyke <scacynwrig at yahoo.com>
To: Marshalls List <marshalls at atlantia.sca.org>; Senior Marshallate <marshalstaff at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>; Kingdom Archery List <archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Cc: queen at atlantia.sca.org; king at atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 10:49 am
Subject: Re: [Archers] DEM-Target Archery Transition

Given the outstanding response from her community, I am finalizing Lorelei as 
the permanent DEM-Target Archery.

Please lend her all the support she needs,

Lord Kynnyth Pyke
Earl Marshal, Atlantia
Archers mailing list
Archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org

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