[Archers] Specifically, the 'written exception' rule

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Fri Mar 5 05:37:25 PST 2010

Kynnyth & Allen ... I would like to open a dialog about the written
exception rule.

There are many awkward situations that this creates.  Not only an
inability to 'adjust to changing site conditions on the fly' as
previously mentioned.  Not only the issue of having a single
point-of-failure on someone's shoulders who cannot personally inspect
every range anyway.

But there are simply innumerate ranges in existence, which now require
written exceptions.  These aren't situations where someone is truly
trying to reduce the zone and squeeze something in, IE: "Well, I only
have 70yds of depth, but I want an archery shoot, so I'll plan on ground
targets only at 5yds and do X/Y/Z to ensure safety, etc"

But are direct cases of obviously safe ranges, that now require written

Such as:

* Every single modern indoor range, all relying on physical walls both
on the sides, and behind the target.

* Numerous public ranges (I have a few in my head), that rely on hills
behind the targets

* Typical 'shooting alongside a building' setups, where you have the
depth, but a side of a building serves as your width regulator.

In Service,

Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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