[Archers] Trying to make some sense

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Sun Jul 18 17:23:41 PDT 2010

Janyn, I understand your concerns; and yes, currently, the rules have
gotten out of sync with the actual times.

However, there are in fact 3 places that the rules need to live:

1) The SCA rules.  We must all abide by the SCA rules, and the SCA rules
override anything at Kingdom level.  All marshals need to be familiar
with the Society Rules directly.  Even if we did include the SCA rules
into the Kingdom rules, this still doesn't change the fact that all
marshals need to be familiar with SCA rules at all times, because if
there is a conflict (as is oft to happen with SCA rules change), the SCA
rules trump whatever is written at Kingdom.
   Plus I've seen over my many years in the SCA other Kingdoms attempt
to do the "Rewrite all the SCA rules from scratch plus add ours in" ...
it is always a failure, not only because a slight 're-statement' of
something can cause massive confusion, not only because as pointed out
marshals still need to be familiar with the SCA rules directly, but
because since rules changes take a period of time to pass (3 months
miniumum) then when Society rules change, massive confusion can reign
until the Kingdom gets update.
   Hence why it is MUCH better to state:  We use Society Rules with the
following modifications ... and state them

2) The Kingdom rules, to state where we differ from Society.  Also
important to draw this out specifically so that people CAN know what's
different from Society, and why.  (Especially for people moving between
Kingdoms, either to here, or away from here)

3) The RR rules.  The Royal Round rules are not part of Kingdom
Policy/Law, nor do I feel they should be.  They are one of the 'purely
under control of the Kingdom Target Archery Marshal' things that we
have, as a description of 'one of our activities'.  Pulling that into
Kingdom Policy and putting them in as 'official Atlantian Rules under
the purview of the Marshallate I do not see as serving well.  It works
much better as:  "Look, here are some rules for a shoot we do
semi-regularly"  versus:  "Here are codified rules for a specific shoot"

I do agree, that the incorrect information on marshal.atlantia.sca.org
should be removed promptly.

However, it's also not 'official'.  The only official repository of
rules is http://law.atlantia.sca.org/ and on SCA.org:

By simply checking those two locations you can always know anything you
need to know, with zero worries about if you are getting the 'right'
information or not.

In Service,

On 7/18/10 7:19 PM, Janyn Fletcher wrote:
> Baroness, I had mixed feelings about posting this publicly but I was
> hoping that COG would shed some light on the issue and he did. I am
> still learning myself and I wanted to get all the information before I
> try to help. I am hoping to discuss some things with Lorelei at Pennsic
> and find out how we might be able to change some things. I don’t think
> having our rules information in three places with incomplete information
> is helping anyone. Welcome to the team!
> Janyn
> *From:* archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
> [mailto:archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] *On Behalf Of *Martha
> Fletcher
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 18, 2010 6:00 PM
> *To:* archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Archers] Trying to make some sense
> Thank you for holding this discussion on the open list. Being a new TA
> marshal, information like this makes my learning curve much better. It
> is very helpful to understand why things are the way they are instead of
> just blindly following the rules.
> yours,
> Martelle
> Bright Hills
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Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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