[Archers] Fletchers' guild trial balloon redux

WHITEGRIFN at aol.com WHITEGRIFN at aol.com
Mon Apr 12 18:33:07 PDT 2010

Greetings from Sir Tnek,
I think a Fletcher's Guild would be great for Atlantia, and I'd love to  
participate. As Siegfried mentioned earlier, I received a Pearl for fletching, 
 and I'm always willing to share what I've learned with others, but I also 
know  there's lots I can still learn from others as well.  I have taught 
classes  on fletching (for both period reproductions, and precision target 
arrows) on  several occasions, but I haven't taught at University in a while.  I 
 plan to attend the Summer University (conveniently, it's in my home 
Barony) and  I would be willing to teach a class.
I also plan to attend the Kingdom Archery Championship event, and I can  
bring some of the arrows I've made. 
Tnek the Ainissestor.
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