[Archers] Peerage Survey for Non-Rattan Combat

deallac at juno.com deallac at juno.com
Sun Sep 21 14:01:12 PDT 2008

Some of you may have seen this information elsewhere, but I have not 
seen it on these lists (unless I missed it:)), and thought that there
might be some interest from our members.


                     Peerage Survey for Non-Rattan Combat

The populace of the Society is invited to participate in a survey to  
determine if there is support for the notion of Peerage recognition  
for fields of Society Martial Arts other than Rattan combat. If you  
feel that those who display Peer-like behavior in such fields as  
Fencing, Archery, Siege Engineering, Equestrian, etc are worthy of  
Peerage recognition, or believe that they do not, we invite you to  
make your opinion known, and would ask that you invite others to  
express their views on the matter as well. This survey will be  
presented to the BoD for their consideration. Please take the Survey  
at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCAPeerageSurvey/

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