[Archers] Sponsored shoot at Pennsic

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Tue Dec 2 07:58:58 PST 2008

> The composition of the team presents a slippery slope.  First the
> crossbows.  I know In Atlantia we do not allow rifle stocks, but other
> kingdoms do.

The answer for this is either one of two options, that Jonathas could
pick from either:

A) Simply allow any Pennsic Legal Crossbow

B) Require that for 'score' that crossbows must meet the Atlantian
definition, since it is an Atlantian shoot.   Provide our specs.  (This
is no different from many/most heavy tournies sponsored at Pennsic,
which run by that Kingdoms' rules)

> The other issue is the handbows.  What is period?

I think that Jonathas already answered that.  He simply stated that it
would be based upon the Atlantian RR definition of a Period Bow ...
again, the specs would be provided that Atlantia came up with.  which
for everyone else's benefit can be seen at:


> Could we perhaps simplify the rules to say teams must be made up of one
> crossbow and two handbows?  I realize there is a drive to have more
> period bows on the range but I also think the spirit of this suggestion
> is participation.

The point; however, is that participation will be open to anyone.  Just
that if a group of 3 wants their score to count for the competition,
then it needs to meet the rules that are set forward.

The rules for scoring, are good to 'encourage' the use of more period
bows/crossbows ... which is something that is good, and in line with the
goals of the SCA.


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