[Archers] S.C. Quarterly Report

Joe Miller torsguard at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 9 03:54:32 PDT 2006

My Lords:
       In just taking over this job I don't have a lot to Report at this time.  I can tell you that here in S.C. we have only two regular archery practices going on.  Ritterwald on the second Sunday of the month and Cyddlin Downs on the third Sunday.  There is a canton in Hidden Mountain that is trying to get one started on the forth Sunday and it is my plan to get with them on the 24th and give them all the support that I can.  I understand that they have no marshal and no equipment.  I do plan to change that, on this subject I will keep you informed.  Other than that I guess that I have nothing to report, I'm not even sure what you would like on this report.  If there is more information that you would require please let me know.
  Lord Tor Olafsson
  Knight Marshal of Ritterwald
  S.C. Regional Target Archery Marshal

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