[Archers] Event date.

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Wed Dec 6 07:02:21 PST 2006

 >  Last year, with the change in structure of that shoot, this was not
 > as critical as in the past.

Actually, it was still, and will still be a critical part of that 
decision making process.  Having it 'right before' Pennsic, meant that 
information could be used almost without second thought.

Having it in April, Will mean it is less useful, given that much can 
happen between April and August.

 >  On the other hand, it does help with planning,

That was the main point.  Kingdom Archery over the last few years, while 
trying to stay in it's traditional spot, a number of time had all the 
weekends around then taken by other local groups.  While we wouldn't be 
able to get it as a reserved weekend, having it at least have a 'set' 
weekend, would therefore give notice to all local groups that they 
should expect a big archery tourney that weekend 'somewhere in the 
Kingdom', and therefore probably shouldn't plan for archery to exist at 
any local event they wished to host then as well.

I do agree that the 'company picnic' or business trip (as what recently 
happened to me this weekend with Unevent) is a concern with a set date.

Just more food for thought.


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