[Archers] [Fwd: Pennsic 34]

Siegfried crossbow at freeshell.org
Wed Apr 27 19:18:30 PDT 2005

To any marshals who may wish to help with the Children's range, and/or 
Children's classes

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Pennsic 34
From: 	Terri & Gary <TShurgin at columbus.rr.com>
To: 	<crossbow at freeshell.org>
CC: 	J. Hughes <jphughessr at yahoo.com>

Greetings unto THL Siegfried Sebastian Faust,

My name is Roewynne, and I am in charge of Youth Archery Range for
P34. I think we've met. This will be my 3rd year in a row doing the
Youth range.
If you were at Pennsic either of the last two years, I've created a
structured format.  I am currently in the process of setting up novelty
shoots for the Youth and was wondering if you or anyone else who is
coming to Pennsic would like to sponsor a shoot for the Youth? I like as
many different Kingdoms to be involved. Last year we had 5 Kingdoms
represented at the Youth Range.

Sponsorship includes, bringing a target(s), and prizes.  Sponsors will
be running the shoot for Youth ages 2-17.
I have had 3 divisions of Youth (if you want to use them) 9 and  under;
10-13; 14-17.  Time is 1hr in length.(or more if needed, there are still
some slots together.)
You do not have to take the targets home with you, if you want to, you
can leave them to be re-used during Pennsic, or even have them included
in the Youth Championships.
As in the previous 2 years, on the last friday (Aug.19th?) starting at
9am, we will be holding the 3rd Pennsic Youth Archery tournament. It's
tons of fun, and your archers are more than welcome to help then, or at
any time. (I expect an even bigger turnout than last years!)

I'd like any one who wants to sponsor to send me their info about the
shoot, whether it is Adult/Youth or Youth, and how the shoot is run by
the end of April. It should be along with their SCA name, group and
Kingdom, so I can include that.
I work in a Librar, and can print the schedules out and a booklet also
the first week of May. (for free). Then I get too busy with inventory. I
just ask for donations if anyone wants a booklet. (sometimes)

Also, I've taken on a deputy for the Pennsic Youth Range: Baron Charles
O'Connor from Aethelmarc. He wants to have classes held on the range. I
believe he has token making, robin hood hats, braces, pouches. If anyone
wants to jump in, please let him (or me) know.

Charles O'connor's e-mail: jphughessr at yahoo.com
<mailto:jphughessr at yahoo.com>

Hoping to see you and everyone else soon!

Yours in Service,


Forester Roewynne Langley
Pennsic 34 Youth Archery Co-ordinator
Midrealm Youth Archery Marshal

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