[Archers] Scores

Siegfried Sebastian Faust eliwhite at adelphia.net
Wed Jun 5 06:03:14 PDT 2002

A couple comments ...

   Since only the
>Grand Bowman Elite, never loses their rank, all others must maintain enough
>scores to keep them in their highest rank, or close enough to be able to
>recover, if they drop a rank or two.

Actually Ted, now everyone always maintains their highest ranking.  It's in 
the new rules.

>In reality, to save space in the new database, first get rid of all the past
>or expired scores. I see no advantage to keep a useless list of all my
>scores that expired.  Second, replace the oldest multiple identical scores
>with the score that has the newest date. Thus, you keep the date advancing
>and the score will roll off when there is not another match. For example if
>you have 3 scores of 81,  you replace the oldest dated 81 when you score the
>fourth with the new date, and if you never shoot another 81, they will all
>disappear in the appropriate years time from which they were scored, or who
>knows be replaced with the 82, 83 etc.

While this does 'make sense', and would be an option if space was a concern 
... I don't believe that it is.

And in fact, it would make more work for the database keepers.  As it is 
less work to just leave all the scores in, once they are put in.  It takes 
effort (or some programming effort) to remove scores (especially to do it 
and make sure that one doesn't accidently get removed that shouldn't have 

The problem in this case isn't 'keeping too many scores', it's 'inputting 
too many scores'.  Keeping them isn't the problem.  Having the scorekeeper 
approve/input 10 scores for a single archer, each weekend, when only 3 from 
that weekend could ever be used to augment their average, is the problem.

And anyway, on a personal note, I really like the idea of the database 
keeping all of the old scores.  It's nice to be able to pull up your own 
scores (or a friends, etc) and see how you/they have progressed over 
time.  I wish we had the database up back when I first started shooting, as 
I would love to see the score progression from my very first RR until the 
present day.


Lord Siegfried Sebastian Faust    Baronial Web Minister & Archery Marshal
Barony of Highland Foorde        http://highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org/

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