[Archers] Draft of Archery Rules

EARLMIKA at aol.com EARLMIKA at aol.com
Tue Apr 30 18:11:49 PDT 2002

Greetings all,
  First, let me say thank you to Ignacio for this list to allow us to come
together over our various distances and talk.
  On the issue of the wrist strap, I was the one that first put this into 
this set  of rules when I was  KAM.  The reasoning was that, like "clicker"
sight pins and stablizers, it was a more modern commodity
to allow people to shoot groups the size of a dime in the modern 
methods of archery.  Yes, you want a loose grip on your bow, the strap
can allow you to have almost no grip, but a free fall of the bow after the 
so the archer doesn't jerk his shot off. That is its purpose, and my thoughts 
why it should stay in  the olympic sport and not ours.
   Now having said that, I have seen on at least two occasions where an
archer has lost their bow upon release of an arrow.  One archer tried to 
it, causing a hold on the line by the alert line marshal.  At one time straps
were not allowed in the East, but it has been changed to specifically allow 
now.  Did they use them in the past or could they have?  Who knows.
  It has become a more standard practice throughout the kingdoms to allow 
and yes it could be a safety point. But they should not be required.
  People that want to use them should be allowed to, and it could be a 
teaching point to better the archers of our kingdom which is what we are all 
striving for.

 On the point of RR, I feel it is important that MIT has a RR average, and 
this is why.
First, if you are going to be a marshal in Atlantia, you should know how to 
shoot, and run  a royal round for it is how we rank the archers in the 
Now, just shooting a RR for an average will not guarantee that you will know 
the ins and outs of it, but you will have at least been exposed to how they 
work and how they run.  If having a RR average was not a requirement, this 
could not be said of the MIT, and they might know nothing of how the RR 
Second, I feel it is important to support the kingdom and its effort in 
archery.  It makes going to the Crown and putting forth Ideas for the archery 
community much easier.
If we can show we have X number of active archers in various rankings, and we
have ranked  XX in the IKAC, it is an immediate show of what the archers are 
Marshals should encourage the archers to shoot RR at practices as has been 
Maybe you don't like RR for whatever reason.  Maybe the archers at your 
practices would like the choice. They don't have to shoot RR if they are put 
in front of them,
but they CAN'T shoot them if they are not given the opportunity.  As a Target 
Marshal in Atlantia, you should support your Kingdom by example and have a RR 
Third, it is good practice for shooting speed and even unknown distances 
you get a feel for yardage out to 40 yards.
   I understand that not everone can find a range they can use to 40 yards.
And I am not saying RR and IKAC and nothing else.  Anyone that's been to one 
my tourneys knows I like other shoots and do not include RR in tourneys
but use them for practice.

I've rambled enough.  These are my thoughts for what they're worth.

Yours in service,

Mika Longbow


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