[Archers] My take on the Royal Round and hand strap question.

David Peno dpeno at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 30 05:44:19 PDT 2002


     As to the question regarding hand straps and RR
averages. I feel that hand straps should not be
allowed. The SCA archery ranges must be able to
accomidate all archers that come to the line. If an
archer is unable to maintain his or her grip on the
bow they need to be using  a different bow. Yes, I
understand that this will not cover every archer that
comes to the line, but in the interest of safety we
can't take chances. With regards to RR averages, you
only need to shoot 3 RRs to get an average. The
investment of time is very small and a marshall needs
to show he or she understands how RRs are run and
scored. They may be asked to run a RR range at some
point and they need to know how they are run. Anyway,
this is just my 2 cents.

John de Lochabre

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