[Archers] Draft of Archery Rules

Siegfried Sebastian Faust eliwhite at adelphia.net
Mon Apr 29 08:43:51 PDT 2002

I've already made all of my thoughts on the rules clear a while back when 
they were first put out, but I wish to respond to a few things below:

>The bullet:
>         Maintain or acquire an average on the Atlantian Royal Round list
>   Why would that be necessary ??  Suppose the Marshal/MIT/archer shoots only
>the Winter and novelty shoots. We all know that the skill set on a Royal
>Round Range may not apply 100% to the Winter or Novelty type shooting..
>Having shot or required to shoot three Royal Rounds a year doesn't appear to
>me to actually enhance one's ability to be a Marshal who could run a Royal
>Round Range..  Knowing the rules and safety items would appear to me to be
>more important.
>Ted - Novelty shoots are for fun. The Winter Series and the IKAC are the 
>Known World 'scoreboard' for archer rankings. The Royal Rounds (RR) are 
>our kingdoms 'scoreboard' of archer rankings. Sure you need to be able to 
>do marshaling for the other things (winter, IKAC), but within our kingdom 
>we promote the RR's first. [..] ALL marshals need to be able to properly 
>conduct/marshal the RR's for their event or practice. [..] This will 
>ensure, across the kingdom, that MIT's know how to conduct, score, and 
>marshal the one 'scoreboard' the kingdom has for ranking its archers. The 
>new archers are still learning and want to learn. Its the archers that 
>have been around a long time that get the attitude that 'Oh well, I been 
>there and done it all so why should I have to keep up with it'. All we are 
>after is to ensure good safe habits and marshaling techniques throughout 
>all the marshals in the kingdom.

The main problem that I see with this, is that, at least from my 
experience, at least 75% of the archers out there, are just out there to 
shoot for fun.  They don't care about competition, they just want to shoot, 
and have fun doing it.  A number of these, therefore, won't shoot RR's, 
IKAC's etc.  Because they aren't fun to them.  Oh yeah, shooting at those 
round rings again, whee.

Sure, we use the RR as a scoreboard for archers in Atlantia ... but only 
for those archers that WANT to be on the scoreboard.  Not every chess 
player has a national ranking, only those that care to 'compete', but tons 
of people just enjoy playing chess.

On that note, I agree with Ted.  Why should a Marshal be REQUIRED to have a 
RR average?  For that matter, why should they even be required to ever run 
a RR.  If they like shooting Roving Ranges ... If they set up good roving 
ranges & run them at events ... If they help other archers with 
training/learning/etc ...

Then to me, that makes one great marshal ... yet by the current rules, they 
couldn't even become one, because they don't have a RR average.

Of course, not even to mention the whole fact of the RR not being even 
close to a period shoot :)

>  If a marshal does not run, assist, or teach at events or practices - why 
> are they marshals?

Because they CAN run, assist, teach at events or practices.  They have been 
shown to have the ability & training to do so.  So that, in a pinch, they 
can help out... So that someone at an event can call on them to run the 
range/watch the line for a few minutes.  Now, this may not happen for 3 
years ... so they are 'inactive', but they have kept up with their classes, 
and still know what to do.  So why shouldn't they be a marshal?

Ok, that's it :)


Lord Siegfried Sebastian Faust    Baronial Web Minister & Archery Marshal
Barony of Highland Foorde        http://highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org/

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