[Atlantia-Announce] YMIR 48: Feast & Cabin Spaces, Breakfast Menu, Lunch Reservations & More!

Adriana la Bretonne baronessadriana at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 11:03:59 PST 2023

Hamlet, Claudius, & Ghosts, OH MY! Join us to figure out what exactly is
rotten in the State of Denmark during the 48th Tournament of Ymir to be
held Feb 17-19 in Ellerbe, NC!

*Event website: *https://ymir.windmastershill.org/

*For those planning to attend, we want to share some news & updates

   1. Pre-register even if you're daytripping to make your check-in
   experience faster & smoother:
   2. Feast is sold out and a wait list has been started.
   3. There is still cabin space available.
   4. A paid cabin spot includes breakfast on Saturday.
   5. A private fundraiser lunch to benefit the Kingdom Travel Fund will
    be available Saturday by reservation only.
   6. Breakfast & lunch menus & lunch reservation form:
   7. We're adding merchants daily.
   8. For those staying offsite / not eating feast, here's a list of nearby
   hotels & restaurants: https://ymir.windmastershill.org/accommodations/

As always, the event website is your best place to find the most correct
and up to date information!

We look forward to seeing you SOON!

In service,
Adriana, Ymir Communications Deputy
Baroness Adriana la Bretonne, OP (she / her)
University of Atlantia Deputy Chancellor
Barony of Windmasters' Hill <http://www.windmastershill.org>
Kingdom of Atlantia <http://atlantia.sca.org>
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