[Sacredstone] Award Recommendations

Jean Wagner via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Fri Oct 21 04:11:42 PDT 2016

Good morning everyone.. Just a reminder, while the hard work and efforts of
so many, from War of the Wings, are still fresh in everyone's mind. If you
saw folks doing anything you feel is deserving of recognition SEND IN AWARD
Do it now, before you forget.. Do it now while everything is still fresh in
your memory..
Kingdom, Baronial (and it doesn't have to be in a Barony you live in)... We
count on you all to be the eyes and ears of the Crown and the... Coronets.
We cannot be everywhere, and please don't think "well someone else has to
already have done it".. Repeat recommendations are not a bad thing!!!
We are also very thrilled when you let us know that you have recommended
Bob or Janet for "X" Kingdom award.. Often we will send in our own
recommendations to the Crown and can help boost the signal.. Don't worry
about flooding my email.. These are the kinds of message all Crowns and
Coronets love getting...

Just a friendly reminder to please, get those recommendations in.

I remain,


Baroness, Barony of the Sacred Stone.
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