[Sacredstone] In A Phoenix Eye Fundraiser Lunch

via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Mon Nov 9 15:23:33 PST 2015

In A Phoenix Eye is two short weeks away and lunch pre-registration
will close this Saturday, November 14th. If you have not made your
choices yet, please take a moment to do so.

The Sacred Stone Cook's Guild will offer lunch at In A Phoenix Eye to
help purchase new equipment for the guild. We will be charging $7 a
plate. Pre-reserve meals will be served at 12:30 pm. At 1:00 pm we will
open the lunch to non-reserved patrons and will release any pre-reserve
meals that have not been claimed at that point. In addition to the
options below, there will be assorted desserts from which to choose.
Please address dietary issues to aine at housecorvus.org.

I've invited you to fill out the form In A Phoenix Eye Fundraiser
Lunch. To fill it out, visit:
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