[Sacredstone] Armored/Siege/CA @ WoWX

Baronö Bessenyei Rozsa via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Tue Jun 9 11:58:45 PDT 2015

*please cross post*

I am pleased to announce that the staff at War of the Wings has heard your
pleas for more fighting at War of the Wings and have endeavored to bring
you that at the event's 10 year anniversary.

There is also room to add more.  If you would like to host a tournament or
class, please get in touch with me and we can get you on the schedule.

Please note that tournaments begin on Thursday and we do have *one melee
scheduled for Friday afternoon* which includes siege and combat archery.

Without further adieu here is the current schedule at this time (please see
website for full descriptions - www.warofthewings.com ):


On Thursday the Company of St. Augustine will host four double-elimination
Armored Combat Tournaments:

1:00 p.m.   Two-sword Tournament

2:00 p.m.   Pole Arm Tournament

3:00 p.m.   Great Sword Tournament

4:00 p.m.   Spear Tournament

3-5:00 p.m. All Missile Tournament - Siege Field

hosted by Lord Cameron deGray


11:00-12:00 Black Belt Tourney - AKA Novice tourney.

12:00-1:00 (or following the Novice Tourney) Squires Tourney

12:00 Siege 101 - Siege Field

1:00-2:00 (or following the Squires Tourney) White Belt Tourney

1:00 Siege authorizations and engine inspections - Siege Field

2:00-3:00 (or following Chiv Tourney)  Mountain Pass Battle (towards War
Point) - siege and combat archery included

3:00 p.m.  Angry Birds Target Siege Competition - Siege Field

3:00-4:00 (or following Mountain Pass Battle) 3X3 Tourney - Teams of three
each send one fighter out to be met by the fighter chosen by the opposing
team.  Each fighter may only fight once per team pairing.

7:00 Torchlight Tourney - Counted Blows at the barrier - Merchant area


Saturday Immediately following procession and morning court.

11 a.m.  Field Battle.  (towards war point) (includes siege and combat

30 minute break

12:30 p.m..  Allied Champions.  (towards war point)

45 minute break

2:00 p.m. Woods Battle.

2:00 p.m. Target Siege Competition - Siege Field

Happy Fighting,


Deputy Event Steward - Martial


*B**aronö Bessenyei Rozsa*
*Rachel Rosado*
*Siege DEM, Atlantia*
*rozsa at ebonwoulfe.com <rozsa at ebonwoulfe.com> *
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