[Sacredstone] Baronial Camp - Pennsic

Jean Wagner via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Thu Jun 4 09:26:50 PDT 2015

Good gentles,

Since January we've tried to organize a Baronial camp at Pennsic.  I will
go into more detail at Unevent, but as of this moment, Baron Marc, our
daughter Elizabeth Taylor and myself are the only individuals who would be
camping there.  (Now keep in mind, this is in combination with Royal, of
which we + one other individual are the ONLY people camping on 20k sq ft of

If you have been to Pennsic, you know that this is not a fun way to camp..
Having others around is always a great deal more enjoyable than camping by

To that end, if no one is wanting to camp as the Barony, we have been
offered space in another camp which we are likely going to accept, but this
means giving up the Baronial camping lands all together.

If there are individuals who would like to camp as a Barony, please let me
know no later than Saturday so we can notify Royal that Sacred Stone WILL
have a presence in Royal, and we can give the Steward the names of the
people who will be camping there.

With Respect,

Baroness, Sacred Stone
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