[Sacredstone] (no subject)

Alianor atte Red Swanne via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Mon Jun 1 14:17:32 PDT 2015

As has already been mentioned, this coming weekend is Baronial Unevent.  I am asking that all Baronial Officers (or a designated proxy) please make sure to attend.  If you are sending a proxy, if you could please send me a message letting us know who they will be.  I also strongly encourage all Canton officers to attend their office meetings, and anyone who is interested in how the Barony is run to please attend.  this is the time of year when policy is reviewed and changes possibly made.  What better way to learn about and help work with the Barony.
There will be meetings of all the Orders.  Again, I am asking that all active members please make every attempt to attend these meetings.  We will be going over watch lists as well as any pollings, and the more members that are there the more we are able to accomplish.
The June Baronial meeting will also be taking place, on Saturday.  Please make sure that any officer reports are completed and turned in on time.  
If you have any questions, please let Marc or I know..

Marc and Alianor

Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.
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