[Sacredstone] Event bids

Anthony Davis via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Tue Apr 21 13:43:31 PDT 2015

Hello every one. As I have mentioned we are currently accepting bids for baronial birthday 2016 to be held in April. Also bids for this years Phenix eye. Event in the last part of the year. 

Also any one wishing to do a WoW bid for 2016 should be working on it very hard at this point. We would love to see these bids progress and would welcome them to be sent to us. 

The bids for Baronial Birthday 2016 and Phoenix eye 2015 should be in to us no later then this Thursday night. 

Thanks every one for your hard work, Sacred Stone has the best populace of any barony around and you prove it every day and every event.

Lord Alesander Davidson
Seneschal, Barony of the Sacred Stone

Sent from my iPhone

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