[Sacredstone] A missive from Marc & Alianor

Jean Wagner via Sacredstone sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Thu Apr 9 11:44:19 PDT 2015

Good afternoon, good gentles all..
Just wanted to make a couple quick announcements and reminders..
Seneschals, if you could please make sure that this information gets out to
the folks in your Cantons, we would appreciate it.
Event season is upon us, with something going on just about every weekend
between now and War of the Wings..  If you bring someone to their first
event or know of someone whom we have not had the pleasure of meeting, be
this when we are within Baronial lands or visiting one of our cousin
Barony’s, please make them known to us so we might introduce ourselves and
welcome them.  This is something that is very important to us, but need
your assistance.
We have received some award recommendations but know that there are more
individuals with whom deserve recognition for their works.  Please take a
look at the individuals within Sacred Stone and the activities in which
they participate, be they Service, Marshaled (Armored, Rapier, Archery
(target and combat), siege, youth combat or equestrian), or Arts & Science
(and please do not forget about the children of the Barony as well, for
their works are no less important than that of the adults), and please
bring them to our attention.  We recently posted a listing of all the
awards available within the Barony.  If you cannot locate it, please
contact us or another individual within the Barony and we will be happy to
assist you.  SAAD is quickly upon us, with Crecy not far behind, and we
would like to acknowledge these fine individuals in Our court.
April 19th, at Lake Daniels Park in Greensboro, we will be having an “Arts
and Armor” day in the park.  If you are either an Armored or Rapier
fighter, or a support person who would like to come out, or would like to
bring your current A&S project and just spend a leisurely day among friends
in the sun (hopefully the weather will cooperate on that last part). We
would like this to be in garb, and bring a picnic lunch/snack with you.  We
will be out there from noon until 4pm.  Please come join us as we would
love to have as many people to attend.  The weather is warming and there
are many folks who are spending their Sunday there, and it will be a great
chance for some exposure.
Joust is not too far away.  We would like to know if anyone from the Barony
is going, and if they would like to camp as a group.  We need to get a camp
request in quite soon, if that is the will of the populace, or we need to
make other arrangements.
April 25th is Southern Atlantian Archery Day.  We hope that many of the
populace will come out in support of the ever growing Baronial archery
community, as we play host to many other of the Kingdom archers.
The 26th we will be holding the Baronial meeting at the Castle.  We ask
that members of the Order of the Phoenix Claw please try to be there, as we
would like to have a short meeting with as many of the members who are able
to make it, before the Baronial meeting starts.  Time shall be announced
shortly.  We strongly encourage all members of the populace to attend the
Baronial meetings.  It is a fantastic way to hear announcements first hand,
help in the planning of things and voice your opinions on how the Barony is
run.  You do not need to be an officer to take part in these meetings.  If
you have any questions, please contact Lord Alesander or Baroness Alianor
and we’ll be happy to answer them to the best of our ability.
Lastly, we are trying to find a site for Baronial Unevent.  We would like
to find a place where we can have not only the necessary meetings, but if
there is room to also have fighter and archery practice, all the better.
If you have a site in mind, please contact either Lord Alesander or
Baroness Alianor.  We would like to have this at the beginning of June, so
time is quickly slipping away from us.
We hope that everyone is enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather and We
look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events, meetings and gatherings.

We remain,
Marc and Alianor
Baron et Baroness Sacred Stone
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