[Sacredstone] ACCEPS is now available for Drums of War

Caitlin MacDonoughue caitlinofbaelfiredun at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 16 09:32:24 PST 2012

Greetings to the lists,
For those of you who would like to take advantage of the lower pre-reg fees, and to make
sure you get a spot for Lady Murienne's fantastic feast at Drums of War, ACCEPS in now available to
register on-line.  

There is also a link there that will take you to the Drums of War website so that you may see all the great
activities that we have in store for you.  Drums of War is April 6-8th at Elchenburg Castle in Boonville, NC.
There is something for everyone at this event, fighting, A&S competitions, kid's activities (including a Easter egg hunt), dancing, classes, a fighter Fashion show, and lots more. 

We hope to see you there.Lady Caitlin MacDonoughue
Autocrat, Drums of War

Here is the link to ACCEPS:

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