[Sacredstone] Fwd: [Announcements] President's Report
Murienne l'aloiere
dragonfly78 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 12:12:46 PST 2012
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From: <ea at sca.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 9:48 AM
Subject: [Announcements] President's Report
To: announcements at lists.sca.org
February 7, 2012
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s and
its subsidiaries most recent Board of Directors meetings, held January 28,
2012, in the Kingdom of the West. This material may be freely distributed,
and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information
with the general membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all or
part of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is
requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the
President's Report of the January 28, 2012 Board meeting" and that, as far
as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the
official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between
this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any
inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA, Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at
the meeting.
Have fun. Make our game fun for everyone, every day!
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas (Tom) W. Hughes
President, SCA Inc.
*Old business*
*Same Sex Consorts in Crown Tournaments:* The Board is submitting, for
commentary, the following potential change to Corpora relative to
combatants in Crown Tournaments.
Current Corpora language:
Each competitor in a Royal Lists must be fighting for a consort of the
opposite gender.
Proposed Language:
Each competitor in a Royal Lists must be fighting for a consort of the
opposite gender. Crowns may permit entry into the Royal Lists by
same-gender couples. Please provide your comments to comments at sca.org.
*Additional Peerage:* Based on the results of the Census data, as well as
an examination of the number of participants in the Knowne World, the Board
of Directors intends to explore the possibility of creating a new peerage
to recognize as peers those rapier fighters who meet the general
requirements for a patent of arms and who demonstrate prowess in rapier
combat and cut and thrust combat. Therefore, the Board is forming an
exploratory committee to investigate heraldry, regalia, corpora changes and
associated issues around creating such a peerage. The board expects the
committee to make concrete recommendations with respect to creations of
such a peerage. Any resulting corpora changes will be submitted for comment
pursuant to the Board's standard policy. The Board invites the input of the
general membership, Kingdom Crowns and officers as to the make-up of the
*New Business*
Corporate Resolutions were approved for the following subsidiary actions:
*A. **SCA – Gulf Wars, Inc. (SCA-GW, Inc.) – approved*
*B. **SCA – Tennessee, Inc. (SCA-TN, Inc.) – approved*
*C. **SCA-Maine, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved*
*D. **SCA-Mississippi, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved*
*E. **SCA-New York, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved*
*F. **SCA-Rhode Island, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved*
*G. **SCA-Tennessee, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved*
*H. **SCA-Gulf Wars, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved*
*I. * Additional Peerage Proposal – approved the explorations for the
formation of a peerage for rapier. * *
The following New Business were returned for further work. * *
A. Social Media Policy – returned for further work
B. Rules of Submission Handbook – returned for further work. Need to
streamline process.
There were no requested Board actions. There were several policy
interpretations made by the President during the quarter that were approved
by the Board.
1. *Tokens* – An SCA member proposed the use of tokens as currency at an
SCA event. I rejected this proposal since it would have violated SCA’s
By-Laws and Corporate Policy XI. Policy on Coinage and Currency. The Board
upheld this policy interpretation.
2. *SCA Trademark and Service Mark enforcement* – An SCA member created a
Facebook page using the local branch heraldry and local branch name to use
as a platform to make inappropriate comments about the Crown of the
member’s kingdom. As President, I contacted Facebook and requested that
they remove the offensive page since it was using SCA trademarks and
service marks without permission. Facebook removed the subject Facebook
page within 24 hours. The Board ruled that it is within the authority of
the Office of the President to protect and defend SCA’s Trademarks and
Service Marks.
3. *Consolidated Equestrian waiver request* – A draft consolidated waiver
for use at events where equestrian activities was submitted as a
replacement for the State by State equestrian waivers. The Society Marshal
submitted a request for several State specific equestrian waivers. The
equestrian waivers were referred to the Legal Committee for review.
There were no requests for new policies made by the President.
The President commends all those SCA members and volunteers who continue
to make our game fun for everyone. He also commended Paul Newton, Sir
Omarad the Wary, for his service as Society Marshal.
The SCA is now 45 years old. Plans are underway to hold a 50th Anniversary
event celebrating our game. Kingdoms interested in hosting this prestigious
event are encouraged to submit their bid to the Society Seneschal. Details
for the bid requirements can be found on the www.sca.org web site and in
kingdom newsletters. Over the next couple of months, the SCA will be
transitioning to electronic newsletters; all members are encouraged to make
the change to electronic formats if they are able to do so as this will
reduce the operating costs for running the SCA. By changing to electronic
formats, members will have access to the newsletters for all kingdoms. The
legal matter in Pennsylvania continues to consume the time, talents and
resources of the SCA.
I command all SCA members to “Have fun and make our game fun for everyone,
*Vice President of Information Technology*
The Board approved a proposal by the Vice President of Information
Technology to purchase tablet computers to replace the old laptops. This is
a cost savings approach to putting SCA business on SCA owned property.
The SCA President asked the VP of Information Technology to review SCA
websites to determine if the SCA is complying with the Children’s Online
Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The review is underway.
The Vice President of Information Technology sends his warmest thanks and
commendations to Jason Bird, Cliff McMahel, Renee Signorotti, and Dori
Andrepont for their ongoing critical work (an completion of the portal!) on
the E-newsletter project. He also commends David Weiner, David Dewbre and
Marla Lecin for their valuable day to day work to keep our technology and
associated services running, as as their emergency work and work on mission
critical projects (E-newsletter project, membership and postal rate
updates.) Lastly, he commends Adam Zabell of his excellent work on the
Tablet Computer adoption implementation plan.
Publishable Summary: Technology in the SCA continues to move forward at a
good pace. We have completed the E-newsletter portal and are preparing for
launch. We are still investigating other projects at this time: CRM/ERP
platform, Tablet Computing and SharePoint platform adoption.
*Society Seneschal*
The Society Seneschal says we have had an increase in the reports of
members carrying firearms to event sites and fight practices in the United
States. The Board approved the Seneschal’s request that a review of the
need for an SCA policy in this area be undertaken. The Board approved a
request made by Atenvedlt and Artemesia for the transfer of the zip codes
of 84729, 84741 and 84758 from Atenveldt to Artemesia. These zip codes are
north of the Grand Canyon, making participation in Atenveldt events
problematic. The Society Seneschal had no policy interpretations. The
Society Seneschal requested that the SCA review the procedures for
approving fireworks displays fire arts displays at SCA events. The Board
returned this request for further work.
Commendations made by the Society Seneschal:
• A special thanks to Scott Burk for all of his hard work as the kingdom
seneschal of the East Kingdom. Enjoy your break, I know it will not last
long...you like to work!
• Thanks Paul Morris, you are finally done! Rest and Relax.
• Thanks to Peter Hyde for all your work for the Kingdom of Lochac. Enjoy
your time off.
• Thanks to Robert Hedstrom Drachenwald. The Kingdom and the Society
appreciate your work and dedication.
• Thank you to Rachael Emborg- Artemisia.
• Tom Pilcher is stepping down in An Tir. Thank you for all your time and
• A special thank you to Jay Ter Louw for his assistance the quarter. Your
efforts are greatly appreciated and your insight is refreshing.
• Thanks for your assistance Nadra Dunton. I appreciate your assistance and
Publishable Summary-
Happy New Year, have a great one. I have heard that many kingdoms are
experiencing a decrease in population. I have been urging everyone to bring
in a new face. I am saying it again, make it one of your resolutions for
2012. Try to bring in one new member this year. Use your Chatelaines to
assist with this, they have the tools available to help show new folks the
fun we can have. I have one more resolution for everyone, play nice. We
have groups and people out there who are making our game very negative. I
have heard from so many people that the reason they do not want to join and
or continuing playing is the negative behavior and disregard for rules. Please
remember, your actions are seen by everyone, so act in a positive way, it
will help us keep members and grow the game. Have a great quarter!
*Vice President of the Corporate Office*
The Vice President of the Corporate Office had one request for board
action. The Board approved the request for the formation of a subsidiary
corporation for the State of New Hampshire. She had no policy
interpretations or requests for new policies.
The Vice President of the Corporate Office thanked every Exchequer, from
local groups to the kingdoms, for working so diligently with their banks to
open new bank accounts for the recently formed subsidiaries. She recognizes
the difficulty of complying with each individual bank’s requirements and
would like you to know that we appreciate your care and service. Every one
of the Exchequers did a terrific job completing the tasks within a very
time tight timeframe. (Renee reported that there were about 250 new bank
accounts opened this quarter.)
*Publications Manager*
The Board approved the Publications Manager’s request to approve the
warrants for the SCA Webminister and the Compleat Anachronist Editor. The
Board also approved her request to issue a call for candidates for the
positions of the Compleat Anachronist Art Director and the Society
The Publications Manager reports that is has been a pleasure to work with
Charles Anderson, Chris Conner, Jennifer Heise, Marla Lecin, Dar’C O’Neal,
Stacie Tibbetts, and Gloria Woodward. Finally, for their ongoing efforts,
thanks are given to Theresa Anderson, John Fulton, Leslie Luther-Fulton,
Rusty Lloyd and Renee Signorotti.
The E-Newsletter information has been distributed via Announcements, and
an updated FAQ is available online. The FAQs on release forms have been
split into two separate sheets, one for print and one for web. The Best of
Tournaments Illuminated submission deadline is March 1, 2012 and all are
encouraged to submit an article recommendation so it may be considered.
*Society Chronicler*
The Society Chronicler requested approval of modification to “Statement for
Newsletters” in the Chronicler’s Policies to include “This newsletter is
available online as www.scanewsletters.org for current Sustaining and
International members.” This request was approved.
The Society Chronicler had no policy interpretations or requests for new
policies. he Society Chronicler thanked all of the Kingdom Chroniclers,
Dori Andrepont, Renee Signorotti and John Fulton for support and hard work
as we prepare to implement electronic Kingdom newsletters. ll Kingdom
newsletters are running smoothyly. The transition to electronic newsletters
is underway and the Kingdom Chroniclers are doing a wonderful job preparing
for the changes.
*Tournaments Illuminated Editor*
The Tournaments Illuminated Editor had no requested board actions, no
policy interpretations and not requests for new policies. The TI staff has
performed outstandingly. The editor is particularly indebted this quarter
to the Review Panel Coordinator, Jennifer Franson/Mistress Fionnabhair
Kyriat Inghen ui Neill of Caid, Art Director Dori Andrepont/Mistress Doria
Tecla continues to be invaluable resource. TI Issue 181 is expected to be
mailed January 6, 2012. Issue 182 is in production.
*Compleat Anachronist Editor*
The Compleat Anachronist Editor requested that warrants for the CA Editor
and the Art Director be extended. The Board approved the warrant
extensions. The
CA Editor had no policy interpretations or request for new policies. The CA
Editor commended Joyce Morris and Elise Fleming for pulling together the
last two issues with great dispatch. She also requested that the Board put
a call for applicants for the Art Director position.
*Society Chronicler*
The Society Chronicler requested approval modification to “Statement for
Newsletters” in Chroniclers Policies to include “This newsletter is
available online at www.scanewsletters.org for current and sustaining
members. The Board approved the request. The Society Chronicler had not
policy interpretations and no requests for new policies. He commended the
Kingdom Chroniclers, Dori Andrepont, Renee Signorotti and John Fulton for
support and hard work as we prepare to implement electronic Kingdom
newsletters. All Kingdom newsletters are running smoothly. The transition
to electronic newsletters is underway and the Kingdom Chroniclers are doing
a wonderful job preparing for the changes.
*Society Webminister*
The Society Webminister had no requested board actions, no policy
interpretations, no requests for new policies and no commendations. The
overall web presence of the Society continues to change as existing
technologies are updated. I encourage any and all persons with ideas,
comments or feedback to reach out to local, regional or kingdom
*Corporate Treasurer*
The 2012 SCA Corporate budget was approved as amended. Treasurer will
prepare a monthly budget over the next several months. The SCA has paid
over $400,000 related to a lawsuit in Pennsylvania. A loss of about
$200,000 is forecast in unrealized revenues due to a 6% drop in membership
related to the economy. The Board approved posting the 2010 IRS 990 form to
the SCA website. The Treasurer had no policy interpretations or requests
for new policies. Five more subsidiaries have been added – Maine,
Mississippi, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Gulf Wars. This makes 13
subsidiaries now.
*Society Exchequer*
The Society Exchequer had no requests for board action, no policy
interpretations and no requests for new policies. The Society Exchequer
thanked all the Kingdom Exchequers in the daunting task of completing the
consolidated domesday reports. With several new exchequers and many
turnovers with the kingdoms this year, the reporting became challenging.
*Laurel Sovereign of Arms*
The Board returned the previously submitted Rules for Submission for
further work to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms. He had no policy
interpretations and no requests for new policies. The Laurel Sovereign of
Arms had no policy interpretations or requests for new policies. He
commended Dame Juliana de Luna and The Honorable Lady Alia Marie de Blois
for their fine work as Palimpsest Herald (past and present). They have
worked tirelessly on finishing these rules and done wonders.
Istvan Tanczos has created a new feature on OSCAR. Kingdoms now can use
OSCAR to comment on their own internal letters of intent. This means that
any Kingdom may use the online submissions system, online tracking of
submissions, and all the other features of OSCAR for commentary. As noted
earlier on several forums, Marie de Blois has taken over as the Laurel’s
education deputy. This quarter saw the submission to the Board of the
complete revision of the Rules for Submission.
The Society Chatelaine had no requests for board action and no policy
interpretations. At the request of the President, the Society Chatelaine
submitted a draft Social Media policy. The draft was returned for further
work. The Chatelaine commended Mike Longbow and Ursula D’Arcy of the
Outlands for takin care of her during her visit to the Outlands. She also
commended Renee Signorotti for her assistance in providing the conference
call appartus for the Social Media Policy Committee.
*Society Marshal*
The Society Marshal requested Board action on changes to the Equestrian
Waiver and changes to signage. The request was referred to the Legal
Committee since this involves State specific compliance with laws. The
Society Marshal requested input on a policy in Glenn Abhann requiring
non-members to send $25 receive an authorization card for equestrian
activities. The Board referred this to the kingdom to resolve. By
consensus, the Board approved Lochac’s request for an archery exemption.
Things are especially quiet and calm this quarter on the marshal front. The
Kingdom Earl Marshals and Society Deputies are doing an excellent job
serving the martial participants of the Society. The New Marshals Handbook
is in final edit and should be available soon. Common sense and good
judgment will always save the day; use it as often as necessary. This was
Omarad’s last report as SEM. He was replaced by a fine and great marshal,
Sir Asoph Hearts. He has Omarad’s full support and the safety and fun of
the 15,000 marshal participants in the SCA are in fine hands. He thanked
all his deputies and KEMs who served with diligence and honor and made his
job easy.
Thanks to all. Remember, when all else fails, read the Handbook.
Fight safe, fight often.
The board thanks Sir Omarad for his service as Society Marshal.
The Society Chirurgeon had no requested board actions, no policy
interpretations and no requests for new policies. She commended Ainar,
Grace and Adne for the time and energy they put into the office. She hopes
they enjoy a well-deserved rests. We are starting the year with several new
Kingdom Chirurgeons and the Society Chirurgeon looks forward to working
with each one. This quarter is calm before the storm; before we now it
tourney season will be in full swing.
*Arts and Sciences*
The Society Minister of Arts and Sciences had no requests for board
action, no policy interpretations, new policies, and no commendations. All
kingdoms reported this quarter. There are a number of bids for Knowne World
events. This is very exciting. The next Knowne World Bardic Congress and
Cooks Collegium will be held in the Outlands in April. Known World Dance
and Music Symposium IX is moving along.*
*Grand Council*
The Board of Directors asked the Grand Council to discuss the SCA Census
results published on the Census web page in October 2011, namely the issues
of same-sex consorts and peerages for non-rattan-martial arts. The Board
also asked for suggestions on improving the presentation of the Census.
This latter request was meant to foster ideas on the outreach of the Census
survey and the dissemination of the Census results. In addition, the Board
expressed a desire for the Grand Council to continue generating suggestions
on improving SCA-communication policies and practices.
The Grand Council discussed the merits and disadvantages of its weighted
voting system and adopted a simpler voting system as a result. The Council
also briefly discussed officer structure changes for moderators and whether
to add a third moderator.
At the request of the Board of Directors, the Grand Council discussed and
voted on several motions regarding communications policies and the census
results on same-sex consorts and non-rattan martial peerages (the misnamed
"4th peerage" issue). The non-rattan peerage issue did not introduce any
new ideas compared to the previous Grand Council discussion from first
quarter of 2009.
A majority of Grand Council members recommend that the same-sex consort
issue should be sent to the legal committee for review, especially
regarding how the issue may be interpreted in countries outside of North
America. Regarding both Census result topics, the Council feels there is no
clear path forward apparent in the SCA census results as guidance for the
SCA Inc. to resolve either of these issues. All of the motions and their
vote results are reported both below, and discussed in detail in section E
of this quarter's report, which is posted in the report section of
*Legal Committee*
No report
*Executive Session*
A. Michael Alberto (Miguel Alejandro De Las Corrientas) Revocation and
Denial of Membership
Motion by Tim Jennings to revoke and deny the membership of Michael
Alberto (Miguel Alejandro De Las Corrientas) effective immediately. Seconded
by Lisa May. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim
Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her
option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Motion
B. Amy Begnoche (Fia Kareman) Appeal
Director Kim McAuley recused herself from voting on this issue.
Motion by Lisa May to uphold the appeal of Amy Begnoche (Fia Kareman) and
to return the matter of this warrant to the East Kingdom for review. Seconded
by Tim Jennings. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim
Jennings, Lisa May. Recused: Kim McAuley. Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised
her option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Motion
By consensus, Chairman Leslie Vaughn directed the Society President to
reprimand the Society Chirurgeon for failing to follow Corpora in this
matter, and further to review with the Society Chirurgeon the proper
procedure to be followed for the removal of warrants.
C. R & D Request for Katie & Matthew Richardson
Chairman Leslie Vaughn recused herself from this issue. In doing so, she
passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Mark Faulcon. In addition, Director John
Fulton also recused himself from voting on this issue.
1 Katie Richardson (Katerina O’Callaghan)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Katie Richardson (Katerina
O’Callaghan). Seconded
by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Acting
Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Katie Richardson (Katerina O’Callaghan)
from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown
list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor:
Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark
Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
2. Matthew Richardson (Mathghamhain (Mann) McAlpine).
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Matthew Richardson (Mathghamhain (Mann)
McAlpine). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings,
Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to
vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John
Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Matthew Richardson (Mathghamhain (Mann)
McAlpine) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman
Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
3. Sandra Bonds McDaniel (Alianora da Lysharet)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Sandra Bonds McDaniel (Alianora da
Lysharet). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings,
Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to
vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John
Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Sandra Bonds McDaniel (Alianora da
Lysharet) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman
Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
4. Christopher Kurtz (Kristoff McLain Cameron)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Christopher Kurtz (Kristoff McLain
Cameron). Seconded
by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Acting
Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Christopher Kurtz (Kristoff McLain
Cameron) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman
Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
5. Susan Holt (Hrefna Karsefni)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Susan Holt (Hrefna Karsefni). Seconded by
Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting
Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Susan Holt (Hrefna Karsefni) from
holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown list,
within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise
Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon
exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed:
None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
6. Malinda Terry (Malinda Hohen van Kester)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Malinda Terry (Malinda Hohen van
Kester). Seconded
by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Acting
Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Malinda Terry (Malinda Hohen van Kester)
from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown
list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor:
Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark
Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
8. Rick Cook (Richard Ironstead)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Rick Cook (Richard Ironstead). Seconded by
Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting
Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Rick Cook (Richard Ironstead) from
holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown list,
within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise
Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon
exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed:
None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
9. Robert Valencia (Raffaele de Mallorca)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Robert Valencia (Raffaele de
Mallorca). Seconded
by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Acting
Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Robert Valencia (Raffaele de Mallorca)
from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown
list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor:
Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark
Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
10. Ritchyrd Handley (Ritchyrd McUath)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possibleRevocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Ritchyrd Handley (Ritchyrd McUath).
Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did
so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie
Vaughn. Motion carried.
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Ritchyrd Handley (Ritchyrd McUath) from
holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown list,
within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise
Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon
exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed:
None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
11. Catherine Rogers Cook (Katherine of Cate Hall)
Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
degradation from the peerage of Catherine Rogers Cook (Katherine of Cate
Hall). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa
May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote
and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton,
Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Catherine Rogers Cook (Katherine of Cate
Hall) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman
Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
Opposed: None.
The Board of Directors emphases that the use of SCA rank or title to harass
or intimidate within the context of the Society will not be tolerated. With
this in mind, the Board of Directors directs the President to draft a
comprehensive set of policies to address physical and emotional bullying,
harassment and abuse of power for their consideration.
At this time Acting Chairman Faulcon returned the gavel to Chairman Vaughn.
D. Michael McPartland (Faelaen uah Eogain) Exile from the Realm
Motion by Mark Faulcon to uphold the exile from the Realm of Michael
McPartland (Faelaen uah Eogain) by Marc and Patricia, King and Queen of the
West Kingdom on August 27, 2011. Seconded by Kim McAuley. In favor: Mark
Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Chairman
Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the
motion. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Mark Faulcon to uphold the exile from the Realm of Michael
McPartland (Faelaen uah Eogain) by Rolf and Aurora, King and Queen of the
West Kingdom on August 27, 2011. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Mark
Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
McAuley. Chairman
Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the
motion. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
F. Legal Update
Report filed.
G. Director Selection
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn ordered that no action be taken.
H. Director Confirmation
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn stated that there was no action to be taken
at this time.
I. Ombudsman Assignments
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn stated that there was no action to be taken
at this time.
*Have fun. Make our game fun for everyone, every day!*
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Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
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Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this
announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic
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