[Sacredstone] Special Collections Info

elnich elnich at bellsouth.net
Wed Feb 8 20:36:03 PST 2012

Hello all!  Wanted to let everyone know that the Special Collections tour at 
UNCG is coming up this Wednesday, February 15th at 10:00 AM.  It’ll last 
approximately two hours and will include items such as a Book of Hours (!!), 
individual manuscript pages, books specifically on medieval clothing/culture…the 
list goes on.  This will be much like the one given last year over the summer.
Here’s a link to a campus map and driving directions if needed: 
http://www.uncg.edu/online-map/   The tour will be held in the library, in the 
Hodges Reading Room, but I would like for all of us to meet in the lobby on the 
third level of the Walker Parking Deck by 9:45 so that we’ll all be on the same 
page, so to speak.  (It’s the best parking for where we’ll be.)
Hope to see everyone there!
- Catherine Ambrose
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