[Sacredstone] Fwd: [brnsacstone] Fwd: February Baronial meeting
Murienne l'aloiere
dragonfly78 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 21:05:05 PST 2012
I am forwarding this to the e-list for Lady Lyndon. and responding as
First off.... Awww Thanks Lyndon! I will add that to the agenda! ;)
Second we will indeed be discussing the Baronies contribution to the
Kingdom to help refill it's coffers after the settlement. The exact amount
will be voted upon at the meeting though I invite any discussion or
questions. We can talk about them freely here on the list.
Thirdly, our fundraisers have already stopped supporting SG Komen. Last
year we supported American Cancer Society and St. Jude's. I am still
looking for a person to be in charge of the fundraising this year but I
plan to continue to support ACS. In addition to the planned parenthood
issue I don't like the idea of supporting a group that is spending money on
copyright lawsuits for the phrase "the cure"! You only get to claim it is
your phrase AFTER you find the real cure! Instead I would like to continue
to support ASC in their fight to cure all cancers and to treat the patient
not just the disease.
Fourthly... is that a word? Anyway fourthly, have a good visit with your
family. travel safely and get back soon!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erika A. Heinrich (Lynden of Taylorwood) <Garion10 at excite.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [brnsacstone] Fwd: February Baronial meeting
To: brnsacstone at yahoogroups.com
I ask that "You Rock" be added to the agenda because you DO rock - majorly!
Unfortunately, I'm going to be in Atlanta GA that weekend visit
I'm all good about Sacred Stone sending in their portion of the lawsuit
payment (I heard we have the money to do it? If so - It's a go!).
In view of the latest political garbage regarding Susan G. Komen and
Planned Parenthood, I suggest we drop Susan G. Komen and support only
American Cancer Society. The ACS shares ALL their research knowledge,
techniques about ALL the different cancers free of charge and world wide
where as places such as St. Jude's, Danny Thomas, etc. do not share
discoveries and knowledge with ANYONE else. I can get the ACS's financial
statements or the website where to find answers to how much of their budget
goes to "Chair-spinners" (very little!) and how much gets used directly for
research and patient care/education. I'm personally quite pleased with
their budgeting and progress made! Let me know if I can do anything for you
with this matter? - hugs, me.
"She Who Parties With Ferrets"
-----Original Message-----
From: "Murienne l'aloiere" [dragonfly78 at gmail.com]
Date: 02/06/2012 10:55 PM
To: brnsacstone at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [brnsacstone] Fwd: February Baronial meeting
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Murienne l'aloiere <dragonfly78 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:52 PM
Subject: February Baronial meeting
To: The Barony of Sacred Stone's general list <
sacredstone at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
The February Baronial meeting will be held at 2pm on February 19th at the
Golden Corral in High Point, NC.
The address is 1080 Mall Loop Road High Point, NC 27265
You are not required to eat. Though you are welcome to do so.
We will be in the room on the left side of the restaurant. The reservation
is under the name Nikole Harrington.
If you have something to add to the agenda before it is published please
let me know before Monday, February 13.
The agenda will be posted on Wednesday, February 15 to the Baronial e-list
and soon after to the Baronial website.
Lady Murienne
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