<div dir="ltr">forward from SCA, Inc. Announcements...<div><br></div><div><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">The Society would like to announce the launch of our new Online Newcomer's Portal! This interactive, media-rich website will provide an engaging new way for those discovering our organization to learn more about us, get excited about what we do, and get in touch with local branches. <a href="http://welcome.sca.org/">http://welcome.sca.org/</a>
A big thank you to all our writers, photographers, and artists for their contributions to this new site! If you have any questions or feedback for the new site, please contact the project director Lord Tobias Morgan at <a href="http://lists.sca.org/listinfo/announcements">socialmedia.tobias at gmail.com.</a>
Avery W. Krouse
Society Social Media Officer
Deputy Society Seneschal for Special Projects</pre></div></div>