<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Ponte Alto Sunday Practices are back to being outdoors at the traditional park from 1pm(ish) - 4:30(ish), weather permitting. March 25th, the day after the St.Paddy's Bloodbath, and conveniently just before the Baronial Meeting at 6pm, we will kick off our spring war training with a melee practice, again providing that the weather cooperates.</div><div><br></div><div>Cunian<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Directions to the site are:<br><br><br>The Practice is behind the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library 7584<br>Leesburg Pike, Falls<br>Church, VA .<br><br>Take your best route to I-495. Get off at the exit for Route 7 East<br>(Falls Church). The library is on the left about 1 mile. Park in the<br>library lot and go down the<br>hill to the park.Or, better, take the side road past the library<br>parking lot, turn
left and proceed<br>about a block and park on the side of the park in the garden<br>apartments parking lot.<br><br>You may also approach the site on I-66. Exit at Falls Church, Route 7<br>in the direction of <span class="yshortcuts" id="lw_1330567671_1">Tysons Corner</span>, pass three lights, the library<br>entrance way is on the<br>right. Proceed as above.<br></div></div></body></html>