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<div>Please pardon the OOP interruption.</div>
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<div>I have a friend getting married next summer and her fiance has a 3 bedroom, 1 bath single family home for rent just over the Stafford County line about 20 miles from Quantico Marine Base. It's an older home, but in very good condition. They're asking $1,300 monthly rent, which is very reasonable. I believe the house is available immediately. </div>
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<div><A id=myphotolink href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30321599&id=1208440963" aria-describedby="Next"><IMG id=myphoto height=232 src="http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/262851_2350455319994_1208440963_33054036_5917964_n.jpg" width=309 galleryimg="no" aria-labeledby="photocaption"></A></div>
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<div>If you are interested, or know anyone interested, please contact me off line, and I'll be happy to forward contact information.</div>
<div>Lady Wulfwyn AElfwines dohtor</div>
<div>(Patty Cheshire)</div>
<div>Barony of Ponte Alto<br>
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<div style="CLEAR: both">"We listened for a voice crying in the wilderness. And we heard the jubilation of wolves!” <br>
~ Durwood L. Allen</div>