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<BR>----- Forwarded Message -----<BR>From: "Jennifer Fischer" <jenybobeny@yahoo.com><BR>To: lochmere@yahoogroups.com<BR>Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 8:48:43 AM<BR>Subject: [Lochmere] Community Sewing Day - the Sequel - this weekend<BR><BR>
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So June 25th (this Saturday) is Community Sewing Day and I am hoping to see lots of people there!<BR><BR>Place: Severn Christian Church 8132 New Cut Road Severn, MD 21144.<BR>Phone in case of questions : My Cell 301-775-1614<BR><BR>Time: 11am-5pm. Come whenever, you don't have to be there for the whole time, but we will start packing up at 4:30, so plan accordingly.<BR> <BR><BR>For those who didn't have the opportunity to enjoy the Community Sewing Day last year, it was great!! Here is some information:<BR><BR>This day is a day for members of the Barony (and beyond) to converge on one central spot and work on sewing projects. Pennsic is coming up and this is a perfect time to get ready. This day will allow for dedicated time for you to work on things, as well as have a second pair of eyes, ears, and/or HANDS to help you with your stuff. Motivation is also better in packs. I will also have books and patterns to assist you.<BR><BR>The central location will hopefully encourage many to participate. It is a kid friendly day, and I am planning on setting off a side of the room for the children to have there own thing. Bring stuff for your kids to play with.<BR><BR>Bring your machines, fabric, patterns, and sewing stuff...or anything else you need to work on your projects. Lots of room to spread out. We will try to have an ironing station, but please bring an extra iron if you like yours. Also consider extension cords and/or power strips since outlets will be at a premium.<BR><BR>A wonderful addition to the day is Mistress JeanMaire and her clas on Introduction to Tablet Weaving, using the double face technique.<BR><BR>This technique, which produces lovely double sided bands, is not as difficult as people think. In addition to a short history, this class will show you how to quickly warp your inkle loom for use with tablets, how to decide on a pattern, and how to begin weaving. 2 hours. 12pm to 2pm<BR><BR>Students should bring:<BR>An inkle loom <BR>A shuttle<BR>A small to medium pair of scissors<BR>At least 20 tablets (cards) <BR>Two colors of yarn/string in 4 balls: 2 balls of each color. So, for example, if you want to work in green and white, bring two balls of green & two balls of white.<BR><BR>Recommended string: #3 cotton crochet thread or #10 cotton crochet thread.<BR><BR>If you are interested in taking this class please contact Mistress JeanMaire at <A href="mailto:jeanmaire9@yahoo.com">jeanmaire9@yahoo.com</A> as soon as possible.<BR><BR>Please contact me if you have any questions at Jenybobeny(AT)yahoo.com. I would like to bring snacks and drinks, and knowing how many people are going to be there would help.<BR><BR>Last year we have lots of individuals from neighboring Baronies come to participate and said wonderful things about the day, so please feel free to cross post to those in the local area that you think may want to join us. Medb and Simone...I think you were helping me with this. Thanks!<BR><BR>Again, come out and hang out.<BR><BR>Lisette<BR><BR><BR></DIV>
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