Greetings good Gentles of Ponte Alto,<br><br>This past weekend the <span lang="it"><span title="Click for alternate translations">Baronessa</span></span> and I attended Our cousins investiture in the Bright Hills. It was a well attended event, and their new Excellencies were pleased to see us and received the gift basket from Ponte Alto quite happily. The Kingdom Seneschal had a meeting and the two biggest take-aways were that there were not enough Kingdom level events in the Northern reaches of our Kingdom and that the Kingdom Event Bid Process needed to be adjusted and they are working on it.<br>
<br>Sunday at the heavy fighter mock tourney practice we had a good number of people, a couple of new folks who have moved in from out of kingdom and (of course) no Sun until we were done. I will let Mistress Cunion fill in the specifics, but there was lots of fighting, melee battles and even a practice Warlord Tourney. Hopefully the weather will turn warmer sooner and we can all get back out to the park. Thanks to everyone that came to practice, I think everyone had a bunch of fun!<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br><br>Drogo and Adina<br><div><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="it"><span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">Barone e</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">la Baronessa</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">di Ponte</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">Alto</span></span></div>