<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'>
<div>Greetings to the Tavern!<br>
This weekend is Chalice of the Sun God VII - <A class=spell id=sp-0 title="Click here to replace with:
Out staring, Outstaying, Outscoring, Outsmarting, Outstanding, Uttering, Outstation" href="#">Outstaring</A> the Medusa.</div>
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<div>We're looking forward to a great weekend with great weather, great activities and great food at feast.</div>
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<div>One quick reminder, this year we are using <STRONG>Camp 5</STRONG>, not Camps 1 and 4 as in previous years. Direction can be found on the event flyer at: <A href="http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/events/chalice.php">http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/events/chalice.php</A></div>
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<div><EM>One plea, two of my parking wizards had to cancel their trip due to a family issue. I'm looking for one or two more individuals to help direct cars on Saturday. If you can give a couple of hours, it would be most appreciated. Please contact me off list at: </EM><A href="mailto:snoleopard4@aol.com"><EM>snoleopard4@aol.com</EM></A></div>
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<div>Remember, sign up for teams. If your team wins, you get bragging rights, a <EM><U>BEAUTIFUL</U></EM> silver chalice to hold until next year and most of all, chocolate!!</div>
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<div>See you this weekend...</div>
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<div>Lady <A class=spell id=sp-1 title="Click here to replace with:
Willowy, Wolf, Wildfowl, Gulf, Walkway, Wolfing, Would" href="#">Wulfwyn</A></div>
<div>Autocrat Chalice of the Sun God VII</div>
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