<div>Greetings Pontoons,</div>
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<div>As you know we have a busy fall ahead of us. Next weekend is Chalice of the Sun God. Two weeks after that is Crown Tournament. For Crown Tournament, there is a need for volunteers. Listed below you will see the areas that we need volunteers for. If you can share some of your time during Crown, please send me an email with what area you would want to assist.</div>
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<div><strong>Set Up</strong></div>
<div><strong>Drink Station Attendant</strong></div>
<div><strong>Feast Servers</strong></div>
<div><strong>Break Down / Clean up</strong></div>
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<div>Also, Their Majesties will be in need of retainers that day. If you are interested in retaining, you can contact Their Majesties head retainer at <a href="mailto:retainer@clan.roanwoulfe.com" target="redir">retainer@clan.roanwoulfe.com</a></div>
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<div>Yours In Service,</div>
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<div>Thegn Brénainn MacShuibne</div>