Today's the day! Prepare for fun!<br><br>This schedule is subject to change as the event unfolds, depending on the number of contest entrants.<br><br>3:00 - Doors open for set up<br>4:00 - Troll opens<br> Sign ups begin for Best Period or Chocolate Dessert; Story telling contests (Reason I couldn't be at Pennsic and the No S**t, there I Was)<br>
Silent Auction Begins<br><br>6:00 - Desserts Judged and made available to the populace<br><br>6:30 - Best Bruise Contest<br><br>7:00 - Why I couldn't be at Pennsic story contest<br><br>8:00 - No S**t, there I was story contest<br>
<br>8:30 - Court and Door Prize Drawing<br><br>9:00 - Dancing<br><br>10:00 - Hall Closes - Hope you had a wonderful time!<br>