<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><FONT color=#000081 face=TimesNewRomanMS><FONT color=#000081 face=TimesNewRomanMS>
<P align=left>Greetings to the Barony from Marcellus, your Seneschal.</DIV>
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<P align=left>As was announced in the May Business Meeting, Their Excellencies James and Katherine will be stepping down at the end of their two-year term. I would like to thank both of them for their years of fine service to the Barony.</DIV>
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<P align=left>That being the case, a polling for a new Baron and/or Baroness must be conducted. If anyone is interested in stepping forward to run for these positions, I would ask that they submit a "Letter of Intent/Introduction to the Barony" to me by no later than the July Baronial Business meeting. Those who have submitted their names will be announced at the July meeting, and the letters will be published in the July, August and September Il Tempo's so that the populace may become familiar with those who would seek these offices. The polling itself will go out to the populace in October.</DIV>
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<P align=left>There are a few items I would like to bring to the attention of those considering running for these positions.</DIV>
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<P align=left>1. It is not necessary to run as a couple. There have been many fine Territorial Barons and Baronesses who have served without a partner.</DIV>
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<P align=left>2. If you can, please take time to talk with previous Barons and Baronesses about the requirements, duties, responsibilites, and joys that come with being a Territorial Baron and/or Baroness.</DIV>
<P align=left> </DIV>
<P align=left>If anyone has any questions about the role of the Baronage, or how the polling process will work, please do not hesitate to contact me.</DIV>
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<P align=left>Yours in Service,</DIV>
<P align=left> </DIV>
<P align=left>Baron Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli</DIV>
<DIV>Seneschal of Ponte Alto</DIV></FONT></FONT></td></tr></table><br>