.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'>This is, in my opinion, the BEST melée event we go to. We need as many people as possible to attend, for the fighting is fun and intense.<br><br>It's a great way to get to know some of the other Atlantians we don't regularly see, and to fight some of the top fighters from other kingdoms. Friday and Saturday nights there are drumming, dancing and lots of cabin parties. <br><br>Please let Lady Kat know as soon as possible if you will <br>be attending. <br><br>Lucas<br><br><hr>To: ponte-alto@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org; ScholumArtisBellum@yahoogroups.com; glaukos_the_athenian@yahoo.com; sstricklin@gmail.com; schnauzer2@cox.net; friarjak@yahoo.com; carpent_diem@hotmail.com; rowan_of_needwood@yahoo.com; rutheruthless@yahoo.com; wintermoon81147@yahoo.com; unclaimed_treasures@hotmail.com; CacoliceJ@cintas.com; elazar_hakanay@yahoo.com<br>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 10:29:47 -0400<br>From: guylestran@aol.com<br>Subject: [Ponte Alto] Blackstone Raids<br><br><font color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<div>An awesome event. Every year that Ponte Alto goes there are epic events that take place. </div>
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<div>It as a great site with camping, cabin's and a hotel. Lady Kat is putting together a cabin of folks and we always seem to have a carpool. There is also biscuts out there. Ask the fighters/</div>
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<div>The first year we took down the King of the Middle as a Baronial Warband, it was inspiring to be how we all worked together. Sian got a Sharks Tooth for it. There was even an epic poem written about it.</div>
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<div>Last year Ru got a Sharks Tooth for taking out our King (there is a good story there, ask him about it).</div>
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<div>Cabin's are going fast. </div>
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<div>I know there is cool rapier stuff out there also.</div>
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<div>This trip is always an ipic adventure of one sort or another.</div>
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<div>If you can go!!!</div>
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<div>Plus the King is looking for an Army out there for Atlantia.</div>
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<div>Sir Guy<br>
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<div class=ecxMsoPlainText style=""><font size=3><font face=Consolas>"Remember, you are not managing an inconvenience; You are raising a human being"</font></font></div>
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