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<div>Dash there is a very good chance that the park will be too wet to use. We dont wish to tear up what grass that is there. We have the use of the school on lemon road this weekend and the drainage is better there, if we wish to be outside. Just a suggestion.</div>
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<div style="FONT-FAMILY: arial,helvetica; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Dash 1 <dd469k@hotmail.com><br>
To: ponte-alto@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org<br>
Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:57 pm<br>
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Melee Practice this weekend!!<br>
<div id=AOLMsgPart_3_e78c1b8a-3192-4a2b-89de-b810c1ba1bab>
<STYLE>#AOLMsgPart_3_e78c1b8a-3192-4a2b-89de-b810c1ba1bab td{color: black;} #AOLMsgPart_3_e78c1b8a-3192-4a2b-89de-b810c1ba1bab .hmmessage P{margin:0px;padding:0px}#AOLMsgPart_3_e78c1b8a-3192-4a2b-89de-b810c1ba1bab body.hmmessage{font-size: 10pt;font-family:Verdana}</STYLE>
Greetings Pontoons and friends, <br>
The time to shake the rust off is here! War is coming, and the forces of Ponte Alto must be ready! In that spirit, there will be a Melee practice this coming Sunday. We will work on both limited-front and open field melee tactics. <br>
There will be time for pickups after as well.<br>
When: Sunday, March 7th, from noon until we are finished.<br>
Where: Our usual outdoor practice area: Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library (The park where the practice will be is behind the library.) <br>
<SPAN class=bodycopy>7584 Leesburg Pike<br>
Falls Church, VA 22043-2099 </SPAN><br>
<SPAN class=bodycopy></SPAN> <br>
<SPAN class=bodycopy>
<div class=title3><A name=Sun_fight></A> </div>
<A href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=7584+Leesburg+Pike,+Falls+Church&sll=38.899336,-77.201235&sspn=0.012157,0.018625&ie=UTF8&ll=38.905595,-77.20185&spn=0.012156,0.018625&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A" target=_blank>Google Map Directions</A><br>
The library is on Virginia Route 7 (Leesburg Pike) between I-495 and I-66.<br>
Via I-66: Take I-66 toward Route 7. Exit on Route 7 West (Tyson's Corner). Follow Route 7 for .9 miles. Library will be on the right.<br>
Via I-495: Take I-495 toward Route 7. Exit on Route 7 East (Falls Church). Follow Route 7 for 1.3 miles and make a U-turn at Dominion Dr. Library will be on the right after U-turn.<br>
Please contact me with any questions.<br>
Lord Lucas Von Aych<br>
Baronial Warlord/Heavy Champion<br>
Ponte Alto<br>
<B>Special Thursday Night parking instructions:</B><br>
We have received some complaints about lack of parking spaces from residents of the Peachtree of McClean apartment complex which adjoins our practice site. After some informal negotiations we have arrived at an agreement with the building management. We beseech those attending Thursday night practices to adhere to the following procedures from now on: <br>
You may unload your gear from parking spaces adjoining our practice area. But then please move your car to another space either at least a block further away from Route 7 in the complex parking lot or in the library parking lot closer to Route 7. At the conclusion of practice you may once again move your car to a space adjoining the practice area in order to reload your gear before exiting the site. <br>
In this way we hope to be able to continue to use the parking facilities of the complex without inconveniencing the residents. <br>
--</SPAN> <SPAN class=bodycopy></SPAN> <br>
<SPAN class=bodycopy></SPAN> <br>
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Ponte-Alto mailing list
<A href="mailto:Ponte-Alto@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org">Ponte-Alto@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org</A>
<A href="http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/listinfo.cgi/ponte-alto-atlantia.sca.org" target=_blank>http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/listinfo.cgi/ponte-alto-atlantia.sca.org</A>
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