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Paring down for my impending move to Europe so I have a 30lb black trash bag FULL of yarn. Some of it wool, some acrylics of all colors. Some fancy yarns with metallic bits, some variegated. If you're a knitter or crocheter you probably won't find enough of one kind to do a whole afghan, but they're great accent yarns and can definitely make a nice bunch of scarves. It's free if you can pick it up in Springfield or I can drop it off somewheres near Stafford VA. <BR>
Any takers? Please contact me offlist. <BR> Cheers, <BR> ~Bianca<BR> <BR>(who will have fabric and garb sorted at some point later and those will be available then)<BR> <BR>~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~<BR> Lady Bianca di Bari, Chronicler for the Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia<BR> 'Per bend wavy sable and azure, a comet bendwise inverted and a comet bendwise argent'<BR><BR>
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