<br><div class="gmail_quote">To the Great Baronies of Atlantia does Lord Christopher MacConing send<br>
War stirs to the North, and soon the Armies of Atlantia shall march to fight with our Allies. Soon we shall begin to march north and assemble our encampments near the field of Battle.<br>
And as we we will be in foreign lands, the Queen must protected as she moves about the land. For this reason, Her Majesty has called for Guards to stand ready to defend her should the need arise. It is therefore requested that the Rapier Fighters of Atlantia, being feared and respected throughout the Knowne World, consider offering up some of their time when they are not on the fields of tournament or battle to stand as a Guard for Her Majesty. I assure you that the service is light and enjoyable, and with more people offering to help, the load will grow lighter.<br>
Those interested in volunteering, please stop by the Atlantian Royal Encampment, where you will find a notebook available with Her Majesty's public itinerary. You can then sign up to assist.<br>
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact myself or Mistress Fiona (<a href="mailto:adavissca@gmail.com" target="_blank">adavissca@gmail.com</a>). Thank you very much for your time and service, and I will see you at the war!<br>
Baron Christopher MacConing<br>
Provost of Atlantia<br>
Head, Academie d'Espee<br>
P.S. Please forward this message to your Baronial and Group E-Lists<br>
The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside<br>
List Info: <a href="http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/" target="_blank">http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/</a><br>
Submissions: <a href="mailto:Atlantia@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org" target="_blank">Atlantia@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org</a><br>
Subscriptions: <a href="http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/listinfo.cgi/atlantia-atlantia.sca.org" target="_blank">http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/listinfo.cgi/atlantia-atlantia.sca.org</a><br>