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<div id="AOLMsgPart_2_40f721f8-30cd-47ac-80dd-d707231dbf4b">
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<div>Hello Everyone!</div>
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<div>Pennsic is here soon and we are seeking the help of volunteers with this years Childrens Fete. </div>
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<div>The fete will be on August 5, 2009 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.</div>
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<div>You do not have to be there for the entire 3 hoyurs... but any help you may offer would be greatly appreciated.</div>
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<div>Can you sing a song, dance a jig, paint a face, smile and laugh alot, color a picture, have fun or any sort of other avtivities? Then we could use you. </div>
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<div>We are truly in need of individuals that can offer their time to run and/or sponsor activities. We are looking for people to run activities and people to sponsor activities. </div>
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<div>We generally plan to have around 75-100 kids in attendance, though some years have seen many more! </div>
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<div>Activities that have done well in the past include active stations (nerf archery, bean bag toss, dancing, juggling, gaming) and artistic endeavors (origami, doll making, weaving, painting, bead making, etc). <br>
fete is great fun. If you want action and excitement, this is the place for you! <br>
If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Hanim Kisaiya Zingara off list at <a href="mailto:baronesskisaiya@yahoo.com">baronesskisaiya@yahoo.com</a></div>
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<div>Or contact Elisabeth Hänsler off list at <a href="mailto:elisabeth.hansler@gmail.com">elisabeth.hansler@gmail.com</a></div>
<div> </div>
<div><strong><em>(Please feel free to cross post to any lists that you are on.)</em></strong> <br>
<div> </div>
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<div>Yours in Honor and Service to the Children of Atlantia,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Elisabeth<br clear="all"></div>
-- <br>
Elisabeth Hänsler <br>
Chancellor of Youth, Kingdom of Atlantia<br>
Chancellor Minors - Barony of Windmasters' Hill<br>
Deputy Seneschal - Canton of Attillium<br>
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt<br>
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