<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div>Alric:<br><br><div>I truly do appreciate the sentiment, but there's no need to thank me, as it will take the work of each and every one of us if we are going to really try and create a broader Unbelted team culture and spirit on which we are all continuously working together to both help each other and to push each other so that we might, as a team, field the most devastating and capable Unbelted force in the Knowne Worlde.</div><div><br></div><div>It will take the effort and work of all of us working together in the true sense of a team -- and as such, no thanks are necessary.</div><div><br></div><div>I'm sure we'll be able to find you some comrades to partner with at practice today, so you may commit to working with each other to build an effective melée squad.</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks for your willingness to work to improve our Unbelted Champions team! It's that kind of drive and spirit that I've always found inspires me to further action, so I appreciate it!</div><div><br></div><div>Max Von Halstern</div></div><div><br>On Apr 19, 2009, at 11:51 AM, Alric <<a href="mailto:alric@alricthemad.com">alric@alricthemad.com</a>> wrote:<br><br></div><div></div><blockquote type="cite"><div>
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Thank you making it possible for someone such as myself, fairly new to <br>
routine work with the heavy contingent, an opportunity to be asked to <br>
join the unbelted championship team.Of course I recognize this requires <br>
a lot of work on my part.<br>
To all,<br>
Since I am new and becoming active I would like to have access to or to <br>
form my own team.<br>
Should anyone out there, local to DC, be interested let me know.<br>
I will be at the Ponte Alto practice today.<br>
> Fighters of the Northern Army!<br>
> As you are undoubtedly aware, many of our wars include Unbelted <br>
> Champion Battles and Tourneys in which the Kingdom attempts to <br>
> assemble the most effective melee squad of Unbelted Champions to fight <br>
> on our behalf.<br>
> While the individual prowess of a fighter is naturally a factor in how <br>
> they will perform as a melee fighter, often the most effective melee <br>
> squad is the one that trains together the most often and has the best <br>
> integrated team, regardless of the individual prowess of the specific <br>
> fighters, per se. Thus, a melee team is often greater than the sum of <br>
> its parts -- and a great melee team can be built from individual <br>
> fighters who are not necessarily yet great in and of themselves.<br>
> Perhaps in the past, or in other Kingdoms, Unbelted Champion teams may <br>
> have been built upon the selection of individual fighters and may have <br>
> been thrown together in the last moment with no preparation as a <br>
> team. We are hoping to change that. We are looking to build the best <br>
> *melee* team possible by selecting the most effective squads of <br>
> fighters -- those who work best together and are most effective <br>
> killing foes on the field together.<br>
> We are looking to find and build these squads of highly effective two <br>
> and three-fighter Unbelted teams and have them train together as often <br>
> as possible *as* teams so they become effective not just as their two <br>
> and three-fighter squads, but also as a larger team. We are looking <br>
> to work together to build a culture of Unbelted fighters across the <br>
> Northern Army who are working together and pushing each other to <br>
> develop the most effective two and three-fighter squads possible for <br>
> selection onto the Atlantian Unbelted Champions team.<br>
> If you are interested in working to become a member of the Unbelted <br>
> Champions team, then you need to join together in a two or three- <br>
> fighter squad and start regularly training together. Let myself, one <br>
> of the other Tribunes (Sir Tascius or Sir Theron) or Sir Guy know of <br>
> your interest and who is in your squad (and follow-up with an email so <br>
> we have a permanent record of your interest and who is involved in <br>
> your squad). We will all be looking for the quantity and quality of <br>
> activity of those who express an interest at being on the team at the <br>
> different practices, events, and musters -- so it's up to each of us <br>
> Unbelts to get our comrades active, on the field, and focused on <br>
> killing.<br>
> Felix has been named Captain of the team this year, and is looking to <br>
> build two and three-person teams of Unbelted fighters who fight <br>
> together regularly and well and can be slotted into the team. While <br>
> we may put together an "A" team from the North, it is extremely <br>
> likely that we will swap alternate squads into the team during the <br>
> Pennsic Tourney, so we will need a number of two and three-person <br>
> squads, regardless of any "A" team that might be assembled.<br>
> This is a fantastic opportunity for units to further differentiate <br>
> themselves and gain renown, and for individual fighters to advance <br>
> themselves. I hope we can all join together and push each other <br>
> towards further advancement and through cooperation and teamwork build <br>
> an Unbelted Champions team of unparalleled quality and strength.<br>
> I look forward to hearing from those with an interest, and to seeing <br>
> and working with you all on the field.<br>
> In service,<br>
> Max Von Halstern<br>
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