<WBR>Greeting to the Populace!<br>
For all those wonderful individuals that have so graciously volunteered to come out and help set up on Friday evening...<br>
We'll have access to the property after 4:00 Friday afternoon and I plan to be on site at 4:00. Bill will be bringing the list fence out early as he needs to leave by 6:00 for another engagement that evening. If we can get a good group to come out around that time, we should be able to get the fence unloaded and set up fairly quickly. <br>
We'll also need volunteers to help set up the main hall. So, if you haven't volunteered and are interested, just show up between 4:30 and 5:00 or whenever you can get there. All help is greatly appreciated!!<br>
On a good note, the long range weather has changed a bit from yesterday, but they are still calling for highs in the mid to high 40's - much better that the sub-freezing temps from years past. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that it holds!<br>
We'll see everyone Friday evening the 27th.<br>
Lady Wulfwyn<br>
Tournament of Love & Beauty<br>
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