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As We knew before We accepted the nomination for Baron and
Baroness of Ponte Alto, this is a wonderful group of people and at this
weekend's 12th night celebration, Their Majesties and the rest of the Kingdom recognized many of Our
wonderful Pontoons:<br><p class="EC_MsoNormal"><u>Directly from Their Majesties:</u><br> <b> Lord Jürgen Göttsfürböter</b> was recognized by His Majesty with a Kings Award of
Excellence for his Service as Baron for the last year.<br> <b>Lady Sian verch Gwilim ap Lewelin</b> was awarded an Opal for her service as Herald and Chamberlain.<br> <b>Maestra Cassandra Arabella Giordani</b> was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican for her years of top notch service as Clerk of Precedence and the various Web positions as well.<br> <b>Lady Rhiannon verch David ap Madyn</b> was awarded a Coral
Branch for her lovely clothing and other arts.<br></p><p class="EC_MsoNormal"><u>From the Kingdom competitions:</u><br><b> Lady Sorcha Prechan</b> won the Kingdom-wide Scroll Competition.<br><b> Lady Talitha of Avalon </b>is the new Queen’s Bard.</p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal">Also, <b>Mistress Alina Silverthorne</b>, our former Rapier
Champion, was elevated to the Order of the Laurel.</p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal"><b>Lady Hrosvitha von Celle</b> and <b>Lady Grace Whyting</b> both received
the award of Silver Nautilus for their tasty and prolific work in the kitchen –
Vitha made all the cheese served for dessert and Grace made all the bread for the feast. Beautiful work! </p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal">Our own <b>Alle Psalite</b> provided lovely afternoon entertainment
for the Kingdom and during Cassandra's elevation ceremony.</p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal">There were also a number of Pontoons that retained for Their
Highnesses of the East as their East Kingdom 12<sup>th</sup> night was canceled for the weather on Friday – after they were packed ready to take off. Her Highness was extremely appreciative of the support provided!<br></p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal">Everywhere We looked, members of Ponte Alto were working:
from Set-up, to Clean-up and this was not even our own event.</p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal">And to finish up the day, <b>Master Tirloch of Tallaght</b> and his
marvelous crew including many Pontoons cooked up a storm to provide delicious
food for 400 hungry attendees. It was still delicious and moist even with a Royal
delay. </p>
<p class="EC_MsoNormal">Additionally, we would like to Thank You to everyone who not
only supported Us on Our Investiture Day, not only by Our populace, but
by no less than 7 former Barons and Baronesses. It was a joy to see everyone.</p>Thank you to everyone who helped Ponte Alto shine yesterday,
you made Us proud to be Your Baronage.<br><p class="EC_MsoNormal">
James and Katharine<br>Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto</p>
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