<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>I , was wawrded the Baronial Award of Excelence. There is dragon beutifilly procting the entier left side, whilst goreouols caligraphy is penned thoughout the scrool. Showing the time and effor they took to make sure that the scrool matchged the person it was being give to. I thank all who where involved, Frim Frederich keeping me there, when Iwas too tire, to doing a few activities dure troll check in time I( which in futre will be better announced around the list fied to give ample time for particpants to get there as inquire about the children's acitivites. PLease make sure that you are present with them THROUGHT the activity. We are not in any way shape of for liable for your children's behavior while unentended in your absence. All unpleasantness
behind us. For the next even, Sapphire Joust, I may be able to "wrange a bit of space" to do some macroni art. BPLEASE email me about possble addtions. It makes it much easier for me, as I hand dye the pastas and rice, not to mention the purchase price of glue these days. SO PLEASE advance email me about Sapphire Joust Chirdren's aAcvitivies, and feel free to lead a bit of an activitiy yourself. It's all in the paint, fingr paint it glory!!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Acleina le Dragon</DIV></div></body></html>