<span class="gmail_quote"><br></span>
<div>Greetings from one tired, happy cook.</div>
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<div>I wanted to say thank you to everyone that came out on a semi rainy day to eat the feast prepared by me and my unwaveringly awesome crew at Night on the Town. I have many many people to thank and want to do so publicly:</div>
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<div>Duchess Simone de Barjaval for rolling more pasta than anyone should for 1 meal for 2 days.<br>Dame Olwen the Odd for coming and cooking 2 days in a row.<br>LLT & Orla (Tirzah MacCrudden & Orlaith Cary)for unwavering support and palate help. I would have been much worse off without your knowledgeable help.<br>
Akyio (Taira no Akiyo) for the lemon prep and kitchen support during the day as well as the layout work on the feast booklet.<br>Ziggy (<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Segehart von Leitmeritz) </span>for keeping the dishes at bay All. Day. Long. (We love men that do dishes)<br>
Michael von Schonsee for doing what ever was asked of you from picking off mint leaves to running to the store. And for the scotch. Oh thank you for the scotch.<br>Master Tirloch for helping me thru the "big crisis". How did you know what exactly I needed at that moment?<br>
Sumo (Mori Matunomae) for taking over as hall master to run service. More help than you know.<br>Werner der Fromme (Gimpy) - I tried to keep you away but you would have none of it. Your help and chatter was much appreciated.<br>
Constanza for coming in after fighting and helping with the plating. 2nd shift is always a welcome sight.<br>Troy the Spice Merchant for cutting all the fish & the cheese. There was a lot to cut. <br>Master Eadric, Mistress Eibhin, Flora, Grace and anyone else I forgot in the blurr of it all, your support has not gone unnoticed.</div>
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<div>Sir Alfred, Sage & all others that did dishes with no running hot water left. I've been there and done that and worship at your feet.</div>
<div><br>Last but certainly not least, hubby, Aramon de Contigny. You have been the silent partner in all my crazy endeavors. Watching the kids, living with cheese in random parts of the house & fridge, allowing me to take center stage on all of this. Me loves you very much.<br>
<div>I am honored by the comments I have been receiving. Deeply touched and honored.</div>
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<div>In service,</div>
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<div>Lady Hrosvitha von Celle</div>
<div>(now where is that Scotch....)</div>