Greeting Unto the Populace of Fair Atlania!<br><br>Upon the Occasion of the Tournament of Chivalry on the 18th through 20th days of April, AS43, it seems proper and fitting that those who serve as inspiration for the combatants should have a pleasant location to observe their efforts. To that end, there will be placed upon the edge of the field a Solar, with light refreshments. There those in attendance can practice the gentler arts, while being attended upon by musicians.<br>
<br>We would like to remind everyone that by kingdom law, profit from this event help fund the Children's Fete at Pensic. This is a very worth cause, and we ask for your support.<br><br>Their Excellencies Rorik and Janina welcome all to the verdant lands of Storvik for an excellent day of displaying martial prowess.<br>
<br>A sumptuous feast will be prepared by Lady Tirzah MacCrudden, with a menu of:<br>Starter:<br>Garlic Tort / Torta d'agli<br>Cold Beef Soup / Beuf Froit<br><br>First Remove:<br>Haricot of Lamb / Hericot de Mouton<br>
Asparagus in cream<br>Fresh Bake Bread<br><br>Second Remove:<br>Pork with Slavic cooking sauce (Garlic sauce)<br>Gnocchi / Se Uvoi i Gnocchi<br>Little Leaves & Fennel / Delle Foglie Minu te<br>Applesauce / Pumata<br>
<br>Third Remove:<br>Tuna / Ton<br>Semolina Dish / Cemolella Ciciliana<br>Onion Tart / Torta de Schalogne o de Cepolle<br><br>Postre<br>Pistachio Cream / Cream of Pistaches<br><br>The event flyer can be found at: <a href=""></a><br>